Come what may...

1:07 A.M., Friday, Feb. 07, 2003: a decent entry for once
Guess who has been calling me lately? None other than Joe. He called me on Sunday and asked why I hadn't called him. No, it was more like why didn't you call me, fuckhead? I called your ass the next day and never heard from you again. I tried to tell him this but he didn't believe me. Whatever. He blew his chance a long time ago. When he called me on Sunday he said he wanted to hook up again this weekend. I informed him several times that I'm engaged, but he still doesn't seem to get the picture that I'm completely taken and am not looking to date anyone else. He called me twice today, leaving a voicemail the first time and I didn't bother picking up my phone the second time. (I love having caller ID on my cell.) He wants to meet up at Spinnners this weekend. I told him he could come hang out, but I'd be with my fiancee the whole time. It doesn't matter. He wasn't that cute, or good in bed, anyway. I've found someone way cuter (and better in bed), and lucky me, I'm marrying him!

I'm saddened. Tony can't come to my voice recital this Sunday because he has to work all night. He gets to stay up for 24 hours. Too bad he can't afford to pay someone, due to marital expenses (such as getting our rings, which are put on layaway at the moment...we're picking them up on Valentine's Day) and his cable bill and whatever else he's been spending his money on. But at least he's coming to the revue next Saturday. He even saved my place in it by taking out an ad for me. I didn't get to see it; I figure it'll be a surprise for me in the program. (FYI: Part of the requirement for being in the show was that we had to sell an ad each. I had the hardest time trying to find someone to do it, so I had Tony pay $40 to place one for me so I could stay in the show. How sweet is that?)

I don't remember if I mentioned this already, but I'm taking Native American Lit online for Dawn. So far, we have a solid B in the class. I hope I did really well on the test, since I worked my ass off on it. All I have left to do for Module 1 are the journals, which won't take long. It's basically your opinion, anyway. And we all know how I love to give my opinion, and how I love it even more when it's actually worth something!

I've been watching "Not Another Teen Movie" constantly lately. I just can't get over how funny the whole thing is, especially since I can name every teen movie spoofed in there. One of my favorite scenes is where they parody "The Breakfast Club" (an all-time fave of mine, of course) and have none other than Paul Gleason walk in and reprise his role as Richard Vernon. How classic is that?

Well, I'm off to bed. Later.

<~I will love you~>
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