Come what may...

6:07 P.M., Saturday, Dec. 07, 2002: sleep, sex, stuff...
Well, last night was interesting.

I had to work 5-9. A nice, short shift. What a break it was from working 8 hour shifts!

After that, I headed home, listening to Manic Street Preachers on the way. Or, rather, attempting to, because the CD kit I have in my car (since I'm too cheap to put a CD player in it) likes to short out on me or something. It's really annoying. After I got home, I changed and headed out to Spinners.

Oh, I neglected to mention that I checked my voicemail on my cell phone and had 3 messages: 1 from Joe, 1 from Sorin, and 1 from Michael. The only one I called back was Joe. I told him I'd come visit him when I got bored at Spinners. Which didn't take very long, because it was DEAD there. I got to do a little bit of line dancing, but it just wasn't the same. After all, the only ones out there besides me were the DJ and Anthony (yes, I ran into him again). So around midnight I call Joe, and I drive over to his barracks to meet him. I follow him to his room. Then we wasted no time getting our freak on. The rule at his barracks was that I leave by 1, so we didn't have much time. I'm supposed to call him today and see if we can do something. But I'm feeling wicked tired (didn't get out of bed til 3), so we'll see.

So far, Sorin has no idea about my infidelities. I'd like to keep it that way. I love him, I really do, but my need for sex is getting too great to ignore. What can I say, I'm a sex addict. Now my sex tally is up to 6 guys (half of them GI's) and 1 girl. Ideally, I'd like to add more women to that tally, but the gay scene is pretty scarce up here. And all the cute butchies I see at Clueless seem to be taken. Grr.

Well, I think I'll call Joe, hop in the shower, and see where the night takes me. Unfortunately I have to work 7-3 tomorrow, so we'll see what I can accomplish before it's too late.

<~I will love you~>
leave a note

fun stuff

I'm feeling:
The current mood of at