Come what may...

8:39 P.M., Wednesday, Jan. 15, 2003: yay for me!
Yesterday made it a year that I've been writing here. Yay me for my anniversary!

Once again, Don's changing around my lesson. Now it's this Sunday at 4. He'd better not move it again. I'm hoping I'll still be able to audition next month as planned. I really want to get this over with. (And get to see my beloved Diver Chris!)

The next show is "Evita." This makes me royally excited because the role of Evita has always been a dream of mine. Watch Don pick one of his little favorites, though. What a huge kick in the ass that would be for my self esteem.

I'm still actively trying to find a new job, since I hate working at Sugar Creek. Especially since we've just hired 3 new people (2 I went to school with), which means less hours. I can't afford less hours. Grr.

I went out to Spinners last night. I had a blast! I ran into Terry, a friend of Dawn's, and hung out with his friends from his unit. What a fun bunch they are, too! I'm hoping they come out for country night on Friday. That would totally rock.

I can't think of anything else to bitch about, so I'm outta here for the time being.

<~I will love you~>
leave a note

fun stuff

I'm feeling:
The current mood of at