Come what may...

10:38 P.M., Monday, Oct. 14, 2002: work, work, work...and fun stuff, too, i guess...
I found out something today: cigarettes taste nasty when you've just brushed your teeth. Unless you're smoking menthols, I guess.

I had a dentist appointment this afternoon. It took me FOREVER to find the place because it's on this little side road that's hard to see. I drove around for what seemed like ages, called my mom to ask for directions, then eventually found the place by means of a total fluke. I got my teeth all nice and perty, and they'll call if something shows up on my x-rays.

I had to type a paper for Dawn again. This time, it was the THIRD TIME typing the SAME PAPER. I was getting pissed off at her professor by this time. She'd better fucking like it, because if I have to type it a 4th time, I'm gonna scream...I gave it to Dawn, who was working at Bath and Body Works at the time, and she paid me $40 and bought me some B&BW stuff. I used some of that money to buy the great movie known as "Office Space."

I got a phone call from Jane, my director. Seems the lady slated to play Miss Monroe (who's seriously in every scene) has dropped out, and since I was picked as the understudy, guess who gets to memorize a ton of lines in a short amount of time? Wish me luck, I have rehearsal tomorrow at 4...

I also called Olan Mills today. They have a photographer position available, so since I want to be a professional photographer some day, I set up an interview for Thursday morning. Yay me!

Well, my throat is killing me, so I gotta finish watching "Office Space" before I can't use my voice tomorrow.

<~I will love you~>
leave a note

fun stuff

I'm feeling:
The current mood of at