Come what may...

12:00 P.M., Sunday, Oct. 13, 2002: alcohol can be fun!
I had so much fun last night!

I hung out with Derek and his new boyfriend, Evan. Evan's pretty cool. We went out to dinner at Friendly's (Evan paid for most of my sweet), then headed back to wait for Rob P. to show up. Now, Rob P. had promised Derek to bring him back his car by noon. He didn't show up til around 9 PM. Derek was freaking out by this point, but he calmed down as soon as Rob P. showed up. Once he showed up, it was time for the drinking to begin! Before we left the house for Clueless (Rob P. was our D.D.), I had 3 beers and a shot of vodka. That was to start. Derek had chalked my ID to make me look 22 instead of 19. (It's easy to make a 3 into a 0...) Once we got there, I had a screwdriver, a sex on the beach (those are GOOD), and 2 bottles of Skyy Blue. I was SOOOOO drunk by this point! I had fun dancing around like an idiot (it was amazing I could stand). I cut myself off from alcohol the rest of the night after my second bottle of Skyy Blue. When we got back to Derek's, I tried to just pass out. (I'm surprised I didn't puke. I seriously thought I was going to.) It took me a little while, but eventually I did pass out. Derek set the alarm for 10:30 (I had to be home by noon), so I woke up when that went off. Surprisingly, I didn't have much of a hangover. My head hurts a little, but I was fine to drive home today. That's all that mattered.

I was going to call Sorin last night, but I forgot until after we got back from the club and I didn't want to have him try to talk to me after I'd been drinking. I know how irritating it is to try to carry on a conversation with someone who's drunk. Plus, I knew he'd be asleep by that point. I hope he's not mad at me for not calling.

Well, after an exciting evening, it's time for Krie to calm down and possibly take a nap...

<~I will love you~>
leave a note

fun stuff

I'm feeling:
The current mood of at