Come what may...

5:32 P.M., Monday, Sept. 16, 2002: And I've been working like a dog...
I hurt! Today I started my workout regimen with my new friend, Alex. I met him through, and he's agreed to be my workout buddy. So 3 days a week I will be getting buff. My goal is to lose 30 lbs. by next summer. I don't think that's unreasonable. I wanna come back to MI looking goooood. :D

Here's something that caused me to jump up and down with excitement last night: well, let's put it this way...I know for a fact that I am definitely not pregnant! Normally, I'd dread the thing, but after freaking out about the possibility that I may be carrying Cane's child, it's a HUGE relief.

My cousin Vanessa and her Australian boyfriend Wasa are stopping by my house at any moment now. She has a wedding to go to in Long Island, so she and Wasa wanted to see the wonder that is New York State (hahahahaha) and decided to come see us. They're coming up from Niagara Falls today and staying overnight. It'll be great to see Vanessa again. She spent a year in Japan student teaching, and now she's back in the States again.

Well, I have to help finish getting the house ready for them, so more later!

<~I will love you~>
leave a note

fun stuff

I'm feeling:
The current mood of at