Come what may...

10:06 P.M., Tuesday, Aug. 26, 2003: this week sucks ass
Here's the next lesson:

Croatian/Serbian (used to be Serbo-Croatian)

Spoken in: Croatia and Serbia (duh)











This week has been sucking major ass, for the most part.

Sunday was ok. But yesterday was just godawful. It started off fine. But then I started puking several thousand times (or so it seemed), and it got so bad that when I didn't have anything in my stomach to throw up, I dry heaved. And it HURT. My throat was rubbed raw from all the reverse peristalsis action going on. I couldn't keep any food down, my nausea hit an all time high, and I was miserable overall.

Then Tony's chief came over for about 20 minutes or so, drunk (and he was driving, how comforting). Then he almost sets our fucking house on fire. He didn't put out a cigarette all the way, and it caught the ashtray, part of the deck, and part of the siding on fire. The Army firefighters, MP's, an EMT, some photographers, and maybe even the President came over to take care of the fire, take down info, etc. Then after dry heaving for the 5 millionth time, I looked in the bathroom mirror and noticed the lower half of my right eye was bright red. Tony had a firefighter take a look at it, and they said I'd popped a blood vessel and needed to get checked out. So after everyone left Tony took me out to the Urgent Care Center at Guthrie Clinic to get looked at. I must have popped the blood vessel from all the puking I've been doing. Anyway, we get to the UCC (and Tony thinks the nurse at the desk must've thought he'd hit me to get my eye that way...but my eye's not black, so how would that be possible?), I get checked out, and the doctor gives me eye drops (I have such a complex about my eyes, so anything going in my eyes is not cool with me) and tells me to ice it. Then I ask him if there's anything I can do for my horrible morning sickness, so he prescribes me some anti-nausea medication. In the form of suppositories. So not only do I have to put shit in my eye, which I already hate, but now I have to shove shit up my ass, too. And I think the way the anti-nausea stuff works is very sneaky. I don't notice the nausea because I'm sleeping. This shit makes me very drowsy. I sleep all day long. But at least I can keep food down. That makes me happy.

And my aunt Kris recommended that I should use kids' toothpaste to brush my teeth, since mint makes me feel worse. And let me tell you, it works like a charm. I have bubblegum-flavored breath, but at least I'm not gagging!

Someone stole my favorite pen at work. Grr. They shall die.

And on top of everything else, I'm flat-ass broke. I just checked my bank account and I'm $67 in the hole. And I can't cash any checks through AAFES because of some bounced check from fucking LAST OCTOBER that NO ONE FUCKING TOLD ME ABOUT. And I have $3 in cash to last me until Friday. I have a $25 check from my Gramma I haven't cashed that I TRIED to cash today at the PX, but the aforementioned problem prevented me from doing so. So now all we can do is have Tony write bad checks when needed, since he has overdraft protection and his bank could give a shit what he does. I'm going to attempt to cash it at the credit union where my account is and have them cash it so we at least have something to get us by. Paying my cell phone bill fucking killed me. I could've sworn I still had $100 left in there after paying it, but I guess not. Bastards. I want to cry because we have no money.

Well, I'll update more later, I suppose.

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