Come what may...

2:32 A.M., Monday, Feb. 11, 2002: such a busy weekend!
What a busy weekend!

Amanda surprised me on Friday by showing up fairly early. She was waiting for me in my dorm at around 4:30. What a great surprise...Once inside my room, we just went at it like mad rabbits. We could not keep our hands off each other; not like that's abnormal or anything...We took some brief resting times during our rendezvous. We decided to have some fun with my webcam. We took some silly pictures, cute pictures, for-our-eyes-only pictures (hehehe) was such a blast. Then we eventually fell asleep in each other's arms. God, I love doing that!

Bryan picked us up at around 2. Amanda had to be at work at 4, so we drove around for a while until then. She decided she didn't want to go in until 5, so we waited until then to drop her off. Bryan and I went to the paintball store while he took care of some things. (I have never played paintball in my life!) Then we went to Wal-Mart so I could pick up some things and drop off a roll of film. Amanda called us and said she "threw up", so she needed to be picked up. (She was just sick of the shit her boss was putting her through, really.) Then he dropped us off at an arcade, where we played some DDR and waited for Joe to show up. When he did (with Billy in tow, who I think is a complete moron), we ended up hearing all about how Billy's car got hit and blah blah blah. We went out for coffee and Val met us there. Amanda is not too thrilled with Val because she called her a liar for God-knows-what reasons. The 5 of us went back to Joe's, where we played cards, watched some Skinemax (hehe), tossed back a beer, had some mini-pizzas, and ended up watching part of "Silence of the Lambs" (which I still have yet to see the ending of). Val then dropped us off at Amanda's, where I stayed the night.

Today her mom dropped us off at Amanda's work (since her car isn't getting fixed until tomorrow), but shortly after getting there she found out she wasn't needed, so her mom came back out there and picked us up (after watching both of us play some DDR). We went back to their place and waited for Tom to pick us up to go to Jen's party. He finally did, and off we went. The thing that sucked about her party was that Amanda and I couldn't even hold hands or so much as give each other a peck on the cheek. We just had to act like we were best friends or something. When you're among the out-and-proud, it sucks royal ass to be shoved back in the closet involuntarily. At one point she dragged me into the bathroom with her and snuck a few kisses, but that was the extent of it. Another thing that sucked about it was that Tom decided to be a complete asshole and basically ruin her party because he wasn't the center of attention. He was all mopey and bitching about shit and had her crying at one point. That's one of those things that makes me glad I'm not dating men anymore, now that I have Amanda. Bryan picked us up and took me home later on.

Now that I've finally gotten around to updating this thing, I need to try to sleep. (Try being the operative word.) I've updated my website, and explored Neopets (Amanda set me up with an account...the one she created for me is called loveyouforever2002. How sweet!) If only I weren't such a damn insomniac...

<~I will love you~>
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