Come what may...

2:26 P.M., Friday, Feb. 08, 2002: karaoke drama
I, once again, am confused as all hell. Why is it that whenever I go to karaoke, there's drama?

Last night Jess and I went to karaoke. Lyn invited her to go, and she in turn invited me. Amanda met us there later, with Bryan taking her (since her car is still kaputt.) Everything was going ok...until Natalie pulled me aside to talk to me.

She told me that a lot of people are pissed off at Amanda because she is always talking about getting into a threesome, she's been trying to get with Natalie, acts like Natalie and Shawn aren't together anymore, creates needless drama for attention (hey, I do that! kidding), blows things out of proportion, treats me like crap, flirts with everyone in sight, and is basically being a bitch. She basically was telling me to leave her and be by myself.

After this, Bryan asked what was going on. I told him, and he told me that Amanda is crazy about me, her heart is in the right place, and we should try to work things out.

Amanda wanted to know what was going on. She was really stressed out as it was to begin with, and my conversation with Natalie didn't help. I relayed the message to her. Amanda made some valid points in her rebuttal. She said that Natalie told her pretty much the same thing, saying that I'm no good for her, leave me, be alone, etc., ad nauseum. She also told me that Natalie has a bad habit of sticking her nose where it doesn't belong. It really upset her that I was even listening to what she was saying. She told me flat out that no matter what, she loves me, and will love me.

On the ride home with Jess, I vented out my frustrations and asked for her opinion. She basically said the same thing Bryan told me. She was surprised at some of the things Natalie said. One of the things that shocked her was her saying that while Amanda's telling me not to let myself get pushed around by people, she's pushing me around the most. Jess said that it surprised her to hear that because Amanda's not like that at all, from what she's seen in the past few years she's known her. She likened Natalie to Stephanie, which is not a pleasant thing!

What Jess, Bryan, Amanda, and myself want to know is if Lyn has something to do with this. Jess said she saw Lyn talking to Natalie and got a bad taste in her mouth. Amanda thinks Lyn is putting ideas into Natalie's head. I myself am wondering. I'm thinking Lyn is still bitter about me leaving her for Amanda, and is trying to find ways to split us up.

What the hell? Why does it seem like everyone's trying to break us up? First Matt, now this shit! Can't anyone see that we are in love? That we are happy? Why can't they just leave us alone, and stop sticking their nose in our business? Christ, this is annoying as hell.

I need to space myself from all this drama and surround myself with the people that I know I can trust and that love me. I need to get back to being me. I feel like I've slowly been losing myself since I started college. That needs to stop.

I have a meeting to go to, so I'm out.

<~I will love you~>
leave a note

fun stuff

I'm feeling:
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