Come what may...

10:59 P.M., Monday, Feb. 11, 2002: death to homophobes
I hate homophobes so fucking much! Damn hatemongers, closed-minded, misguided individuals.

First of all, with me being a member of the "alternative lifestyle", it pains me to see people with such intense hate for something they don't comprehend. Second of all, when it happens to me or someone I'm close to, it's an indescribable pain.

Mikey is now going to be leaving school for good, as is his roommate, this weekend, all because of his fucking homophobic suitemates. They harass both of them for being gay (well, Andy's bi, but same thing) at all hours of the day and night. Mikey is failing his classes because he can't even concentrate in his room due to them. And what's more is the fact that the school that claims to be committed to diversity hasn't done a damn thing. Mikey and Andy have called the cops, talked to housing and dining services, and nothing's come of it. Their suitemates still harass them. This is the kind of thing that makes you lose faith in humanity...really, it is.

Michaela told me this today online, so we then went to see Mikey at work. We were so upset that both of us bought Ben and Jerry's and pretty much downed the whole pint in one sitting. I seriously want to cry just thinking of this. I love Mikey to death--he's become one of my best friends, one of the only people I can actually trust nowadays. I hate seeing him treated this way. I just wish there was something more I could do. I am outraged that the school is sitting on its ass and letting this sort of shit happen. Commitment to diversity, indeed.

On a plus note, Michaela and Andy came back with me to my room and watched "Clerks". I am SUCH a Kevin Smith fan! Watching any of the Jersey Chronicles makes me happy. Another happy thing is that Amanda's car is being fixed. No more bumming rides of people (hopefully)! That and my mom actually seems to be more accepting of mine and Amanda's relationship. I finally came out to my parents last month, and so far, they seem to be okay with it. My parents are pretty open-minded, and we have gay relatives (Greg, who's more like a big brother than a cousin, and Gayla, my aunt that hardly anyone hears from anymore), but I wasn't sure how they'd take their own daughter being bisexual. Their main concern is that I'm happy, and my mom said she'll chat with Amanda next time she sees her online. That makes me feel so great inside. I really want them to meet her, and see how ecstatic she makes me, too.

I have a huge headache. Motrin is calling me, as well as Celexa.

Song of the moment: "I Do Both Jay And Jane" by La Rissa

<~I will love you~>
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