Come what may...

4:34 A.M., Monday, Jan. 28, 2002: understanding
Amanda and I talked.

I think we've reached a better understanding of where we need to be and where we need to go. We are still completely in love with each other. That didn't change a bit. However, I think we reached a common ground concerning our relationship.

We both agreed that we totally rushed into things. It seemed fine at the time, but now that it's been almost 2 months we realize that we should take things down a few notches. We've got our whole lives ahead of us, so why rush?

We also determined we each have an external relationship that needs closure. With her, it's Nolan. With me, it's Mark. I am so incredibly attracted to Mark, it's not even funny. I've had a thing for him since the beginnig of the school year. I have thought he was insanely hot since the day I met him. Today at work he was flirting back at me (at least, I think he was), and I caught him looking at me quite a bit. I guess there are some benefits to working at the Eateries after all. ;)

I think after talking tonight we are a bit less confused than we were. This break was something we needed, after all. I am kind of enjoying my quasi-independence. I don't know why I am so afraid to be alone, to be single. I guess because love is the driving force in my life I feel I am not complete without someone to bestow my affections on.

Therefore, my proposition is this: we remain on break until after the pursuit of our respective menfolk has died down. I know she wants to see what a relationship with Nolan is like, and it's likewise with Mark for me. Even though our hearts won't be fully into the said relationships, at least we'll know something we didn't before.

I just thought of something--we're both going after our coworkers! I think that's kinda funny.

Anyway, I need to try to sleep.

<~I will love you~>
leave a note

fun stuff

I'm feeling:
The current mood of at