Come what may...

5:33 P.M., Sunday, Jan. 27, 2002: kappa party
I had such a great time last night!

I went with Melissa to the Kappa party. We got there mega-early, so we tried to find someone to buy beer for us. We got one of her sorority sisters to get us a 12-pack of Natural Light (blech, I know, but it was booze and it was there, so I took what I could get) and then we headed back to the Kappa house.

I cannot believe that I managed to get drunk after I told myself I wouldn't. Oh well. If Amanda can get high with my total disapproval, then I can get drunk and not give a shit what she thinks. I know she cares about me, but as she said herself, she has no right to say anything. In fact, the Kappas are having another party on Saturday, and I am SO there!

It was great to have some me-and-my-friends time. She gets to do that all the time, and it's rare I get to hang out with most of my work buddies outside of work. I couldn't believe how many Eateries workers I saw there. I ended up dancing the whole night with one of the student supervisors, Mark, whom I have thought was hot since the day I met him. I ended up going back to his place with him, and there were a bunch of people already there. You can so tell 4 guys live in that apartment, that's all I have to say!

Absolutely nothing happened between me and Mark, though in all honesty I did want to kiss him. Josh was gone for the weekend, so I slept in his bed by myself and Mark slept in his bed by himself. I was hoping Andy would've shown up, but he went to a party on Ballard St. or something. He missed a fucking awesome party, that's for sure.

I gotta get ready for work. I get to hang out with Mark and Kevin, so woo hoo for me!

<~I will love you~>
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fun stuff

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