Come what may...

12:55 P.M., Monday, Apr. 29, 2002: when he reads his work to me, i swallow words like a placebo
Here are 2 of my latest poems...let me know what you think!

"Strange, Yet True!"

The voices of love can persuade you to commit the craziest shenanigans.

I was once convinced that I could chop out my eyes, hold them outward,

and get a better insight on myself.

I attempted it, and it didn't reveal much knowledge, other than previous


On another trial, a voice beckoned me to "Come outside, smell the

coffeeflowers, breathe it deeply into your salmon lungs, and exhale like

there's no more sun to speak of!"

So I did, but I wound up where I'd started.

Still hunting for an answer, I spun around passionately in violent


Dizzying myself semi-needlessly,

Yet I kept returning to my starting point!

Puzzled, still frazzled, I scratched my head in a bemused ponderment,

Trying to figure out what kept me in the same square inch.

But the only solution that kept popping into my brain was that the

unmistakable, irrepressible force of the heart,

Much like a magnet of gross magnitude,

Drew me back like a springtime bow

And fired away at will, at random...

At you.

Yes, my love, I find myself returning to you,

Even though many say it will cause considerably more harm than good.

It matters not, my dear, it matters not.

All that does is you.

Perhaps that's the craziest thing of all that love forces me into.

Perhaps I'm insane.

Who knows?

All I know is you're my magnet,

You're my target,

You're the cause of these little voices,

And you're the one I'd do these strange doings for.

I'd do more than anything for you.

What is there to say beyond that?

Though they create deep confusions, like poisonous ravines,

I welcome the voices with a ripped heart

And dance a mad waltz to them.

I'll go into the city to take them on tours,

I'll entertain them with silly ditties,

I'll do whatever I can to keep them free of woe.

Just as long as they stay alive,

So will we, my love,

So will we.

This I promise under all that is just.

So will we.



It seems our love is ill-fated, my love.

The stars are against us.

They line up in army rows, blocking the sun so our hearts cannot

photosynthesize into blooming roses.

They shut off their lights so we can't catch the gleam in each other's


They keep the moon locked tight in an iron-clad cage, never to let it

free to glow upon our hair.

It's not only the stars, however.

The figureheads of state will never grant pardons to our dying fate.

And the local grocer won't let us buy budding apples to feed our intense

hunger for each other.

And poor poets won't write sad sob epics to illuminate our emotions.

So what are we to do?

Shall we fight flame to flame?

Douse tidewater on the enemy?

What IS there within out lowly power?

There is only one thing we are capable of committing--

We shall spit in their eyes and call it a night.

We shall dance the mad mambo until their pupils escape.

We shall do anything we can to ensure our livelihood as lovers.

And that solution suits me quite finely.

Does it suit you, my dear?


<~I will love you~>
leave a note

fun stuff

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