Come what may...

9:40 P.M., Thursday, May. 23, 2002: spunk and bestiality, well, it's an assisi lie
Here's the interesting conversation I had with Rob...

StonedTubaPlaya: welcome back

Kriedom: dude the asian prince was on!

StonedTubaPlaya: where!!!!

StonedTubaPlaya: ????

Kriedom: lol he was on its Anna but here is krie oks.....i got on to talk to Nemeth

StonedTubaPlaya: cool

StonedTubaPlaya: omg, i wanna talk to that guy

Kriedom: krie is in da house

StonedTubaPlaya: sup bi0tch?

Kriedom: looking for my purple glue stick, it's missing

StonedTubaPlaya: im sorry

Kriedom: i'm making a scrapbook, and i need it

StonedTubaPlaya: i want you to have it

Kriedom: "oh, purple glue stick, where are you...?"

StonedTubaPlaya: oh where oh where has kries glue stick gone

Kriedom: i bought some ultraspiffy gelly roll pens

StonedTubaPlaya: wow, i found one today

Kriedom: superspiffy

StonedTubaPlaya: get the car and take us places, josh and i wanna leave this place, and hes here now, so come on!!

Kriedom: it's not exactly that simple, rob

Kriedom: it's not my car

Kriedom: if i had my own car, i'd say sure

StonedTubaPlaya: ask for it

Kriedom: and what, praytell, would we do?

StonedTubaPlaya: nemeth wants to treat us to red lobster

Kriedom: um, ok

StonedTubaPlaya: so, get the car!!!

Kriedom: i doubt my mom will let me

Kriedom: if she does she won't let us leave post

StonedTubaPlaya: ask her anyway

Kriedom: you're really desperate to get out, aren't you?

StonedTubaPlaya: yes, very, how did you guess???

Kriedom: i'm psychic

Kriedom: look at my profile

StonedTubaPlaya: what am i thinking now???

Kriedom: how badly you want a cigarette

StonedTubaPlaya: lol, wheres the other one?!?!

StonedTubaPlaya: i dont, i quit!!

Kriedom: which one?

Kriedom: yay, i'm still trying

Kriedom: your "fuck the law" one is an away message

StonedTubaPlaya: the other quote, and try a cigar, they will make you quit real fast

Kriedom: ok...

StonedTubaPlaya: really, after you vomit a couple of times, you wont want anything wlse for a long time

Kriedom: lol

StonedTubaPlaya: yeah

Kriedom: i just put something else in my profile

StonedTubaPlaya: why??

Kriedom: what can i say, you're quotable

StonedTubaPlaya: sweet, that makes me feel important

StonedTubaPlaya: lol

Kriedom: dude, you need to turn 18

Kriedom: you jailbait, you

StonedTubaPlaya: i look 18 and i wouldnt tell anyone ;-)

Kriedom: it'd be sweet to take you to the lake ontario, me, anna, maybe a few others

Kriedom: but since you're a YOUNG'UN...

StonedTubaPlaya: sweet, i would love that and josh of course, cause hes sitting here becide me

Kriedom: how can we forget josh?

StonedTubaPlaya: you forgot him, not me

Kriedom: you know what?

StonedTubaPlaya: hum?

Kriedom: you guys should kiss. that'd be funny.

StonedTubaPlaya: ok

Kriedom: and take pics

Kriedom: and send them to me

StonedTubaPlaya: we just did!!!! we wont do it again in front of a camra

Kriedom: dammit, what's the point!

StonedTubaPlaya: dammit, i like it

Kriedom: *grr*

StonedTubaPlaya: but hes nothing compared to you ;-)

Kriedom: i was gonna say "how would you know", but nevermind

StonedTubaPlaya: lol, remeber the party when we were done?

Kriedom: um, i remember spin-the-seesaw or whatever it was

StonedTubaPlaya: josh thinks we were makin out when we were smokin

Kriedom: lol

StonedTubaPlaya: and i didnt tell him otherwise....

Kriedom: we were sitting on the hood of a truck, freezing our asses off while killing ourselves slowly

StonedTubaPlaya: hell yeah!!! BRING ON THE STDS!!!!

Kriedom: riiiiight...

StonedTubaPlaya: jk!!!

StonedTubaPlaya: i know you would never give me any

Kriedom: any std's, you mean?

StonedTubaPlaya: yeah!

Kriedom: i know where i've been

Kriedom: mostly with virgins

StonedTubaPlaya: yeah, like you said before, "im hooked on pussy"

Kriedom: i don't remember saying it quite like that...

StonedTubaPlaya: well, ya did

Kriedom: actually, i've really only slept with 1 girl

Kriedom: and that was my ex that did the mexican hat dance on my heart

StonedTubaPlaya: im sorry

Kriedom: *grr*

StonedTubaPlaya: really i am

Kriedom: you'd like to help me stop grieving, wouldn't you?

StonedTubaPlaya: sure, but only if you wanta ;-) and rachel is ready and willing

Kriedom: hehe, i kissed your sister when no one was looking

StonedTubaPlaya: does she know this?

Kriedom: yeah, it was her idea!

StonedTubaPlaya: lol, she says differently

Kriedom: denial's a river in africa...

StonedTubaPlaya: lol, she came up with some corney come back that i dont wanna repete

Kriedom: "pete and repeat were sitting in a boat. pete fell off. who was left?"

StonedTubaPlaya: i dunno, im retarded

Kriedom: that was from when i was in like 2nd grade

Kriedom: when you were in kindergarten, ahahaha!

StonedTubaPlaya: lol, look down your shirt and spell "attic"

Kriedom: hold your tongue and say "apple"

StonedTubaPlaya: ARGH!!! you made me say a bad word!!

Kriedom: your virgin tongue!

Kriedom: lmao!!!

StonedTubaPlaya: thats what you think ;-)

Kriedom: that's why i was laughing

Kriedom: i know what you and josh do when you're alone...

StonedTubaPlaya: hell yeah!

StonedTubaPlaya: no you dont ;-)

Kriedom: you stick your tongues to frozen flagpoles?

StonedTubaPlaya: sometimes and other places

Kriedom: like popsicles?

StonedTubaPlaya: and lolipops

Kriedom: and kotelnicki

Kriedom: since you both dated her

Kriedom: hehehehehehehe

StonedTubaPlaya: I NEVER DID!!!!!

Kriedom: you'll never live that one down

StonedTubaPlaya: that was all josh

Kriedom: ok, but you still did stuff with her

Kriedom: which is equally appalling

StonedTubaPlaya: and i couldnt sleep for weeks

Kriedom: that desperate, eh?

StonedTubaPlaya: and josh never did anything with her

Kriedom: ok, well you both had relations with her in some way

StonedTubaPlaya: i was at the time, you wernt there to ease my.... um .... sorrows

Kriedom: dat ass is NAPPY!

Kriedom: could you find your way amidst the crabs nesting there?

StonedTubaPlaya: she just gave me head, and it SUCKED!!!

Kriedom: no, she sucked

StonedTubaPlaya: yeah, and it wasnt great eather

Kriedom: get it right

Kriedom: did she cut you with her snaggletooth?

Kriedom: like gerrish?

StonedTubaPlaya: nope, i got lucky

Kriedom: ol' stitchdick himself...

Kriedom: why, oh why, did you stoop that low for some crappy-ass head????

StonedTubaPlaya: i was desperate!!!

Kriedom: isn't that what mike messina's for?

StonedTubaPlaya: EWWIE!!! at least heather has boobs and a bagina!

Kriedom: fugly, at that

StonedTubaPlaya: true that. true that

Kriedom: how could you get past that fugly face?

StonedTubaPlaya: i found some porn on the ground

Kriedom: face it, rob, you'll never live this down

Kriedom: it will haunt you until the day you DIE

StonedTubaPlaya: kill me now

Kriedom: but how will i have my way with you if you're dead??

StonedTubaPlaya: well, necrophelia....

Kriedom: don't do dead people, sorry

Kriedom: i leave that to josh'

StonedTubaPlaya: lol, hes like that

Kriedom: oh, wait, that's dead cows

StonedTubaPlaya: lol, collette right

Kriedom: nope, symonds

StonedTubaPlaya: yeah, we all know it


StonedTubaPlaya: lol, that dork

Kriedom: but at least he never let kotelnicki give him head...

StonedTubaPlaya: GOD I HATE THAT!!! i washed my penis for a week and then it tried to run away

Kriedom: lmfao!!!!

StonedTubaPlaya: i had to put a leash him

Kriedom: oh, dear lord...

StonedTubaPlaya: HEY!!!!

StonedTubaPlaya: i got an idea!!!

Kriedom: oh god

Kriedom: i'm scared

StonedTubaPlaya: wanna see a movie??? tell your parents your going to see a movie on drum come here and watch a movie with us and then go home!

Kriedom: riiiiiiiiiight

StonedTubaPlaya: try it

Kriedom: i don't think so, rob

StonedTubaPlaya: i hate you then

StonedTubaPlaya: jk, i love you

Kriedom: and why didn't you accept my offer to give you a ride home that one day?

Kriedom: huh? you're too good for that, you punk?

StonedTubaPlaya: i had to find my book bag and i didnt want to keep you waiting

Kriedom: we had time

Kriedom: anna was gonna drive

StonedTubaPlaya: im sorry, well we got to go

StonedTubaPlaya: watch a movie

Kriedom: "watch a movie" riiiight...;-)

StonedTubaPlaya: peace outside

StonedTubaPlaya: oceans 11

Kriedom: fine...i gotta work on my scrapbook anyway

StonedTubaPlaya signed off at 21:39:34.

<~I will love you~>
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