Come what may...

2:08 P.M., Tuesday, May. 28, 2002: he tried to impress her, mentally undress her
Ok, it's pretty much solidified that Rob likes me. How do I know? Allow me to regress a bit...

Yesterday was a bit on the odd side. I had to work (big surprise there), but afterwards I went home, called Anna L., and went over to Josh S.'s house, where she was. I picked them up, we went for ice cream, and then we took Josh home. After that, Anna informs me that Josh is no longer a virgin. I pulled the car over in complete shock! She said that she totally didn't expect it to happen, but she doesn't regret it. Too in shock to keep driving, we then picked up her car and went over to Rob's for a few. After some shameless flirting (and me stealing his fleece), Anna and I agreed that Rob likes me. However, there are 3 problems with this:

1. He's 16, still jailbait. If we did anything, I could be arrested.

2. I'm friends with his older sister, Rachel. We used to be forensics partners, and she took over as drama club president when I graduated.

3. He's into pot. I don't want to date someone with a history of drug use...again. I've had enough of that.

I have an interview today. It pays $1 more an hour than Subway and is right on post. Therefore, I must start getting ready...more to come later.

<~I will love you~>
leave a note

fun stuff

I'm feeling:
The current mood of at