Come what may...

10:01 A.M., Thursday, Jan. 31, 2002: snow day
No school today! Woohoo! The university is CLOSED due to the weather...though it figures the day I wake up on time is the day that classes are cancelled.

I actually went to bed at 11:30 last night for the first time in God knows how long. I normally don't go to bed until the sun has risen, or at least that's how it's been lately. I know Amanda must have been shocked to see that I wasn't responding to her IM's or phone call, but I actually went to sleep, believe it or not. I am so happy about that! I have been a total insomniac lately, and for once I can actually go to bed early and wake up on time. Go me!

I told Amanda about one of the most ridiculous things Matt has said last night. He told me that she told Joe who told him (how does it always work that way? hmmm) that she blazed up 4 days before her drug test, failed it, and once the paperwork goes through she'll be in jail for a month. Her reaction was, "Where the hell is he getting this shit from, and why doesn't he have the balls to tell me this to my face?" I about laughed hysterically. She said that if she'd failed her drug test, she'd have known already. That and since she was actually being tested for alcohol, not drugs specifically, they can't arrest her if they do find drugs there. So Matt can shove it up his hairy, cavernous ass.

Speak of the devil, he's calling me now on my cell. I'm not answering. I'll just be "asleep". I've had it with him. Fucking liar.

Oh my God, he left a voicemail. He wants to know what he's done. Amanda wrote him an email bitching him out for saying this shit about her. He said that he's bitter towards her because he thinks she's treating everyone badly and that what he's told me has been "what he's heard, and it's all hearsay." Bullshit. He told me he heard it from Joe. Amanda asked Joe about this, and he said he'd been saying none of the sort. That and I'm more likely to believe Amanda over Matt because Matt's a liar and I know Amanda loves me. I hope Joe realizes he's too good for Matt and never speaks to him again. Ah, the intense gay drama! Gotta love it first thing in the morning!

<~I will love you~>
leave a note

fun stuff

I'm feeling:
The current mood of at