Come what may...

11:59 A.M., Sunday, Jan. 05, 2003: sexual history, Syracuse, and ebay
I'm going to take a cue from Minderella and do a retrospect of those I have loved, lusted, and done other things with in my sexual history. I'm going to omit who I've just kissed because I honestly can't remember, so I'm going to limit it to this code: #=i gave them head, $=they gave me head, and *=we had sex.

(#$*)Josh--Dated for 2 years. Gave it up to each other when I was 16 and he was 18. Ended up leaving him for Amanda, but there was definitely some cheating when I got to MI.

(#)Jon--Met at a frat party. Fooled around a couple times. Had a nice dick. Went on 1 actual date, but that was a far as it went, since he was a 22-year-old virgin. (I would've loved to have cured him of that!)

(#$*)Diver Chris--He lost his virginity to me. We fooled around quite a bit until Amanda came along. We slept together again when I came home in August.

($*)Kevin--my ex that visited me for a weekend at the beginning of Dec. '01. We had a night of unbelievable sex, but I soon regretted it.

(#$)Skip--The guy I got into a drunken threesome with. When he asked if I wanted to fuck, I replied with, "No, I wanna sleep." Go me.


(#$*)Cane--First GI I ever dated/slept with. Wouldn't be the last, however.

(#$*)Tim--Stupid fuckhead I almost married. Thank Gods I didn't.

(#*)Joe--My sort-of one night stand.

And that's my sexual history thus far. I feel quite experienced. Some people may label me a slut. But unlike a slut, who fucks in hope of gaining respect, I am in control of my sexuality. I don't fuck for respect, I fuck because I want to. Therein lies the difference.

On a totally different note, I'm going to tell you about the past week or so.

Since I couldn't go down to Syracuse to spend New Year's with Stephanie (which I was totally pissed about), we went over to Don's (we meaning my family). Don snuck me some alcohol, so I was quite happy. I told old people jokes with Don's mom, Linda, and my friend Brett. Watched the ball drop with champagne. Determined I don't like champagne very much.

I did nothing New Year's Day. The next day, however, was full of excitement. I drove down to Syracuse to go to the mall and see Stephanie. First I spent my gift cards to Hot Topic (I bought a raver outfit...Amanda would be proud, if I cared enough to tell her directly) and Old Navy (got some cute stuff there). After my shopping was done, I waited for Stephanie to show up. Finally her and Stacey came and met me in front of Best Buy. We then went to Tully's for lunch/dinner. (Tully's has the best chicken fingers ever!) After that we went to Stacey's house and watched Eddie Izzard. Towards the end of the DVD, Stacey's mom came home and watched a little of what was left. Then we went out on the porch for a smoke. Then Stephanie had to get home and rest up for her doctor's appointment, so we said goodbye and I was on my way home. (Still no kiss. But we were getting friendly underneath the blanket while watching the DVD...hehehe.)

I've been ordering stuff online lately. I'm becoming an ebay junkie again. So far, I've gotten the new silverchair CD and "Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back" on VHS in the mail. I also ordered Manic Street Preacher's "This Is My Truth Tell Me Yours" and a Placebo shirt. I'm waiting to see if I won "A Clockwork Orange" on VHS and the new Queens of the Stone Age CD. I need to stop spending all my money before I end up in debt again.

I'm hungry. I think it's time for some food.

<~I will love you~>
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