Come what may...

2:08 A.M., Wednesday, Apr. 02, 2003: sexiversary
April Fool's Day--ah, the day I lost my virginity. This makes it 3 years I've been sexually active, and in 1 year I had sex with all but of my previous partners. In 2002, that is. But if we're comparing year-to-year, 2000-2001 had Josh, Diver Chris, Kevin, and Amanda; 2001-2002 had Amanda, Cane, Diver Chris (again), Tim, and Joe; and 2002-2003 has Tony. And let me tell you, some of those are experiences I never want to live through due to their sheer awfulness.

Nothing terribly eventful has happened in the past few days. Tony didn't call me at all on Saturday because he thought I was working. How quickly he forgets minor details. And even if he really did forget, all he had to do was call anyway just to see if I'm off for the day. Could he do that? No, because he's male. And guys are known to do stuff like that. What pisses me off is that I know he's above that shit. Whatever.

Sunday was a bit more exciting. Tony, Matt, some guy I can't remember his name right now, and I had a jam session at the BOSS center out on old post. It was a lot of fun. I learned the incredibly easy bassline to "Knockin' On Heaven's Door". This could turn into something really cool. We're looking at doing this every Sunday. Being in a band again was definitely something I missed.

Monday rolls around. I'm eating at the Chinese/American Buffet outside post, and Tony calls and asks where we were. He'd been outside our house for 15 minutes. I tell him where we are, and he drives out to join us. We (meaning the 2 of us plus my mom since my sister and dad had play rehearsal) decided to run some wedding errands in town. While out at the mall, we got the guest/memory book and Derek's gift. I also bought me a present in the form of "The Picture of Dorian Gray and Other Writings" by Oscar Wilde. I'd started reading "The Picture of Dorian Gray", but was only 1 chapter into it when I had to stop. Now I can finish it. Yay! After running around, Tony comes back to our house and chills for about an hour. Poor guy was practically limping everywhere with shin splints due to running 6 miles that morning. My dad told him to get new shoes and stretch properly. (This coming from a marathoner.)

Today, I worked. Then I came home. I started chatting with Mikey, whom I'm excited to see when we go home for the honeymoon. Sorin was actually being decent towards me today. I didn't really feel like talking to him, but I obliged and said "hi" back. What is it about my exes that makes them totally inescapable? GRR!

Now I'm goint to let the Ambien do its magic while reading Oscar Wilde. Ta-ta.

<~I will love you~>
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