Come what may...

1:02 A.M., Saturday, Mar. 29, 2003: today was a good day, all in all
Today was a good day. (I know this shows up as March 29, but I'm talking about the 28th because I haven't slept yet.)

I woke up just in time to throw some clothes on and head out the door to my psychiatrist appointment. The appointment went well, I'm still taking Ambien and he gave me more prescriptions for my other medications (Zyprexa and Depakote). I go back there in May to check in and see how things are going. Hopefully everything will be fine, since I will be married by then. :)

After getting my prescriptions filled at the pharmacy (which took over half an hour), I went and cashed a wedding present of $30 from my Aunt Patty and Uncle Danny in South Caroline and the $25 certificate I won at karaoke last week. I grabbed lunch at Burger King and headed into town.

I stopped at Michaels first to get my tossing garter and cake-cutting utensils. Then I went up to the mall to get my wedding jewelry at Claire's. Unfortunately, they had run out of the jewelry that matches my tiara, so I had to go with iridescent jewels instead of lavender ones. At least it's the same style.

After that I went to go visit my mom at work. She was on break, but I found her coming out of Sears. She suggested I get a facial and a makeover at her store while I had some time to kill. So I did. And it was great. My skin felt so soft, and my makeup looked fantastic. It was a trial run of my wedding makeup, and we booked my appointment to get it done the day of the wedding for after I get my hair done. After that, I went and got my eyebrows waxed, since they so badly needed it. As I was heading out of the mall, I stopped in at work and talked to a coworker of mine, Teresa. She didn't even recognize me with my makeup done, since I never wear this much. (Usually I just throw on some foundation, a bit of eyeshadow, and chap-stick and call it a day.) I thought that was kinda funny. I then went to Wal-Mart and bought myself an entire outfit (shirt, capris, and shoes) for under $30. I love good deals.

I went to Borders and FYE and NEITHER had the new Placebo album. Grr. So I ordered it online through I'm sure I got it cheaper through there than I would've at either store. I can't wait til it comes in! I have the entire album downloaded on my computer, and Twiggy was right: it is fucking amazing. I'm so excited!

After that I had to go home and get ready for work. I was ultra-careful in the shower trying not to get my face wet so my beautiful makeup wasn't ruined. That was a feat in and of itself.

Then it was time to go to work. And I was in a good mood, seeing as I was feeling all new and sparkly with all the new attributes to my being. While working, I spent 2 fucking hours reorganizing shoes. 2 FUCKING HOURS. And I didn't even get them all done; I still had the sale side to do. But at least most of them looked great, thanks to yours truly.

Afterwards, I decided I wanted to see Tony. So I drove to his barracks, and just as I was pulling into the parking lot, he calls me on my cell. I told him I was 2 steps ahead of him, and he thought that was awesome. We get into his room, and we started watching "Moulin Rouge". Of course, we didn't really watch it (sex kinda got in the way, hehehe), but still, it has our first dance song in it ("Come What May" if you've never heard it, for it is truly beautiful), and the first time I saw it I was with him. Then I had to leave because it was past midnight (and no one of the opposite sex can stay in the barracks past then), so we said our goodbyes (he was so out of it that he put his pants on inside out, which I thought was funny) and I left to come home, which is where I am now.

All in all, this was a good day. And it was especially good because for the first time in a while, I felt pretty. I had a facial, a makeover, an eyebrow waxing, and a new outfit to make me feel that way. I love being pampered. I'm so girly when it comes to that stuff. I can't wait til my wedding day when I get my hair, makeup, and nails done, and lots of other stuff to prepare me for the big event that will forever alter my life for the better. It's hard to believe that in 2 weeks I will be a married woman. I'm very excited. I love him so much, and I can't wait until we can start our life together.

And on that note, it's time to attempt sleep. Let's see how that goes.

<~I will love you~>
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