Come what may...

1:01 A.M., Tuesday, Feb. 25, 2003: productivity at its best
This weekend was fun. Rather productive, too.

Saturday Tony and I had our first premarital counseling session with Pastor Luisi. The date is now officially set for April 12, 2003 at 1 PM, with rehearsal the night before at 6 PM. We discussed some of the specifics of the ceremony (do we want communion, passages, etc.), and I had to bite my tongue til it bled not to speak out and say I'm heathen. All I could say was that I was baptized Methodist and leave it at that. Grr. I hate denying who I am. But having a Christian ceremony will make both families happy, even if it makes me miserable. Oh well. Anyway, after the session, Pastor Luisi gave us compatibility questionnaires to fill out and give back to him. Then we were on our merry way.

We had time to kill before my rehearsal, so we went to breakfast at Friendly's. I couldn't believe he'd never been to a Friendly's, so I had to take him there. I'd never eaten breakfast there, and my bacon and egg sandwich was really good. Funny, I will only eat bacon on sandwiches and no other time. I'm weird like that.

After that, we sat at the bar at Barkeater's to fill out our questionnaires and so I could have a smoke. Rehearsal time rolled around, so we went to that. After that, Tony and I went to Panda Buffet for dinner with my family. Then we went window shopping for wedding supplies at Staples and Michael's. I still think we should make the wedding party dress like giant fruit.

Then we went back to his barracks and watched movies. OK, so a lovemaking session worked its way in during "Mannequin" (I've always liked that movie), but when you have 2 people in love that are feeling randy...

Yesterday was spent cleaning the house so Tony could come over for dinner. My dad and I picked him up and brought him over. We had my mom's homemade chili and chocolate pie, both yummy. My mom decided to embarrass the fuck out of me with baby pictures. I showed off my prowess on DDR, which amazed Tony how I could keep up with all those arrows. Then we played 3 rounds of the Pop Up Video Trivia Game, with me winning the 1st round, my mom the 2nd, and my dad the 3rd. Then it was time to take Tony back to the god, I can't wait til we're married so we don't have to do that.

Today was my court date for my ticket. It's not nearly as much as I thought it would be; it's a $75 fine with a $30 surcharge. I'll take $105 over, say, $400 any day. I have 30 days to pay it, too.

After that, my mom and I got some breakfast and went to The Party Store to look at more wedding supplies. We looked at a myriad of invitations. Once we figure out who's being invited, we're gonna go pick them out.

The rest of the day, save picking up a prescription that took over half an hour to get filled (damn Reserve people) and rehearsal, was spent sleeping. Which I am now going to attempt again. So until then, I bid you a sweet adieu.

<~I will love you~>
leave a note

fun stuff

I'm feeling:
The current mood of at