Come what may...

9:13 P.M., Monday, Oct. 07, 2002: people...people who need people...yeah, right!
Oh my fucking god. Amanda IM'ed me, and we actually had a decent conversation. When she first IM'ed me, I had my typical reaction: sheer and total panic. But over the course of our conversation, I managed to calm down. She wanted to see how I was doing, apologized up the ass for all the harm she's caused, and told me how she'd been doing. So overall, it wasn't a total cause for panic, I suppose. This by no means indicates we're friends. I told her flat out I don't want to talk to her again for a while. I just don't want the possibility of being fucked over again by her. I'm still healing from the shit she put me through...the last thing I need to do is open the wound and dump salt in it by the truckload. So while it was a nice conversation, I don't anticipate repeating it for quite some time. Hopefully she understands that.

Sorin and I talked again today. Oh, how I love him so! Today we managed to get over a stumbling block on my side. He's been trying to get me to cyber for some time now, since we kind of can't do the real thing until I'm in MI again, whenever that will be. I actually obliged and did it. He said I did just fine...I treated it like I was writing an erotic poem. That seemed to help. Plus, he started off "massaging my feet". I have a bit of a foot fetish, so seeing that typed got me in the mood. Now, if he'd mentioned mirrors...

Other than that, my day at work basically sucked. We had the usual gamut of people who couldn't make up their minds if they were paid to, along with a guy who sounded and acted just like Cane (being that nothing he said sounded remotely intelligent). And to put the icing on the cake, we had a young couple with a little boy come into our dining area, sit down, and ate fucking Burger King. Didn't order anything from us, just sat down and munched away as if nothing was wrong. I think that is in extremely poor taste, and seeing that I couldn't go yell at them about the error of their ways, I bitched about them to Sharon, my boss. She thought they were on crack, too. I mean, bringing Burger King and eating it in a pizza place? How rude is that? People just love to piss me off, I know it.

I think something is wrong with me. First I download a bunch of Celine Dion songs. Then it's Rod Stewart. Then Phil Collins. Then Sting (at Sorin's suggestion). Then Barbra Streisand. For no reason! I've NEVER liked Barbra Streisand! What the hell is wrong with me??

Anyway...I need to try and get some sleep. Gotta brave the morons tomorrow...again...

<~I will love you~>
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fun stuff

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