Come what may...

2:47 P.M., Sunday, Feb. 03, 2002: past few days
OK, need to update this thing on the past few days, for they have been crazy!

Thursday and Friday brought horrible weather, so we had no classes both days. Snow days in college are incredibly rare, so needless to say I did everything in my power to enjoy them! Unfortunately, I had to work Thursday (too bad the Eateries didn't close, too), but after that is when the fun began!

Amanda, Lyn, and Justin picked me up and we went to karaoke. On the way there, I called Greg to see if he could take me back to my hometown this weekend because I needed to pick up some stuff from Mamaw and Papaw's house. He told me that he and Sonny split up. I was flabbergasted! They've been together for 8 years...but Greg said Sonny was having problems with his medication, so he's going to live with his mom in Alabama to work things out. He'll be back in 6 months to a year's time. Greg said he's not going to be actively searching for anyone while he's gone, so that's a good thing. At least the love didn't just stop...that would have been horrible.

We get to karaoke. Amanda gets royally pissed off when she waits for hours on end to sing the song she put in (which is her song to me--Tim McGraw's "My Best Friend"), and when they never announced her, she just had them take it out of rotation and said "Fuck it." Then she gets completely freaked out when one of the guys who runs it asks her to be in a threesome with him and his wife. She, of course, said NO.

After that, Shawn E. Shawn and Nolan take us back to my dorm and drop us off. We started talking about how she's never been in a threesome and wants to know what it's like. I, on the other hand, have been in many, and I personally feel they are waaaaay overrated. Especially when 1 of the people involved is your significant other (that sucks ass for me, the jealous type). Hopefully I got my point across that I am not looking to recreate any of my experiences any time soon. It will be a long, long time before I even consider doing one again.

After that, she called Jeff to see if he could pick her up the next day so we could talk, although talking was the furthest thing from our minds when she came back up to my room. We then proceeded to have the most romantic night of my life. We lit candles (even thought we're not supposed to in the dorms)...then to make a long story short (I don't want to go into detail, sorry!) we had the most passionate, romantic lovemaking session ever. I have never felt so loved, so wanted, so needed before in my life. It was as if our souls were intertwining, making us one. Our hearts melted into each other to strengthen the bond. I think the best part about the whole experience was looking into her eyes while making love and knowing that it was her that was with me, to share in the purest expression of love we have ever known. I have never actually looked into anyone's eyes while making love...I always look away or close my eyes, so to be able to do that heightened the experience to an infinite level. Afterwards, when we were finished with the actual act itself, I looked into her eyes and saw the same look mirrored from mine and started crying. I can't believe how it is humanly possible to love one person so much that you feel like your heart is going to burst. We fell asleep in each other's arms afterwards. I love doing that with her...I sleep so much better with her next to me.

Then Friday rolled around. After finding out that we had no school--again--we went back to sleep. She called Jeff and we headed back up to her area. Lyn came over and the three of us, plus Natalie, had a girl's day out. We went out to lunch and just had a blast! We went back to Jeff's apartment and watched "Kiss of the Dragon" (which I thought was dumb, but I also don't like kung fu movies and have impossibly high standards for film). Then we went back to her place and recreated the night before.

Saturday rolls around. Amanda didn't have to be at work until 6, so we had some time to hang out. Amanda, Lyn and I went out to lunch, with Natalie eventually joining us. We then went back to Jeff's to gather up the rest of the crew to go sledding. They went sledding (I stood off to the side--I do not do wintertime activities), and I watched them make complete asses of themselves. We then had to drop off Amanda at work, so we did that and then headed back to campus. Later on that night, I visited Jess in her room. We got really bored, so we headed back up to their hometown (Lyn, Jess and Amanda graduated with each other) and went out to dinner with a bunch of other friends. Then we went to Jeff's apartment. It got pretty late, so Jess and I had to head back before she fell asleep. Amanda would've joined us if it weren't for the fact that she had no way back before her shift started today (which was 3), so that sucked.

Today I am waiting for Greg to show up (he'll be here at 5) so we can go home. I also have some women's studies homework to take care of, so I should be going. And I'm spent...

<~I will love you~>
leave a note

fun stuff

I'm feeling:
The current mood of at