Come what may...

11:57 P.M., Monday, Feb. 04, 2002: yesterday
Yesterday was interesting, to say the least.

Psycho bitch Stephanie decided to email me and, once again, throw in her two cents when it is clearly not needed. (Why do I always end up dealing with people like that?) Apparently (this is unbeknownst to me) I am not in love with Amanda, it's just lust and infatuation, and for the most ludicrous part, I am still sleeping with men. Where the fuck did she get that? I haven't slept with anyone else, male or female, since I've been with Amanda. She said she "heard" it, but I'm thinking Matt said something.

Then she decided to stop by and pay me a visit. I told her these things were ridiculous, among other things, and she basically kept sticking her big nose where it did not belong. I could care less what she thinks, because I am going to live my life for me and stop listening to 5 different sources. I'm sick of spinning around aimlessly, trying to make sense of my surroundings according to other people. Now I need to figure things out on my own without the "help" of others.

<~I will love you~>
leave a note

fun stuff

I'm feeling:
The current mood of at