Come what may...

10:22 P.M., Wednesday, Feb. 20, 2002: outrageous days
Time to update, yet again. For some reason, I haven't been in an updating kind of mood. Oh well.

Yesterday started off lovely. I get a phone call while I'm asleep saying something along the lines of having a meeting with one of my managers or I won't have a job when I come back. (Note to management: when calling someone who's asleep, don't expect them to remember a damn thing you said later on.) Then I get to work. I get pulled into Deann's office (Deann is the big boss of the cash office) and basically told what a horrible worker I am, which is EXACTLY what I needed to hear. [bitter, seething sarcasm] Then I get a bunch of extra work because the vice president of the school was coming in. How lovely.

Finally, I get to leave and go back to my room. I was trying so hard to NOT get thrown back into the pathetic state I'd been in for the past few months, but work yesterday just made me want to end it all once again. I REALLY hate my job. It makes me feel like shit more often than not.

Since it was a Tuesday, that meant it was Necto night. I decided to make myself happy again by wearing lots of orange and yellow. I waited for Amanda to show up, and we were off (with Shawn and Natalie in tow).

We get there, and it's obvious Shawn shouldn't have come. (He's got strep throat.) After calling everyone they could think of to pick them up (Amanda couldn't let Natalie borrow her car), they finally got ahold of Shawn E. Shawn just a little bit before they were kicked out for Shawn falling asleep. (The security staff at the Necto's pretty picky about certain things.) Since she didn't have to get Natalie and Shawn back home, Amanda was able to stay the night with me. But while we were there, Mikey and Tiffany showed up. It was great to see Mikey again. However, Amanda and I ended up leaving early due to us being incredibly in the mood for smooth lovin'. We bid adieu to our crew and were on our way.

We get back to my room and just went at it. I decided to be adventurous and try something I've never done: I used the scarf I wore as belt that night and tied her wrists to one of the bars on my bed. There's something about her that makes me unleash the wild side of me in bed. No one else has ever been able to come close to duplicating what she does for (and to) me. And she has the ability to make me want to rip her clothes off in .3 seconds flat. By far, this is the best sex I've ever had in my life. (Though to be fair, we don't have sex, we make love. As cheesy as that may sound, it's true.)

Today we decided to be kinda lazy and not get out of bed until about 12 or so. She had to get back in town for work, so she had to leave after 1. I still had to find a magazine ad portraying women in a negative fashion for women's studies. I ran into Nicole while she was on the way to the bathroom, and she said there were a bunch of old magazines in her room (courtesy of her roommates). I managed to find one that totally outraged me. It was an ad for Barney, of all things. It featured a cute little girl holding a box of detergent, sitting on a washer that was overflowing with bubbles. It said, "She knows that one scoop makes clothes clean, and she knows that three scoops helps Mommy make them sparkle," and at the bottom it said, "It's not what they're doing, it's what they're becoming." What outraged me so much about this ad was the fact that it implied women are supposed to be the ones that do all the domestic crap, rather than letting both genders take care of it equally. I wouldn't have minded quite so much if the ad had, say, featured a little boy, or said "parents" instead of "Mommy". My class felt just as horrified as I did when I showed it to them.

I'm running out of stuff to type at the moment, so more later.

<~I will love you~>
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fun stuff

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