Come what may...

11:12 P.M., Thursday, Nov. 07, 2002: another openin', another show
Tonight was opening night for "Spirit!" It went really well. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the show. And I get to have fun being the bitch in the show. ;) Only 5 more performances to go...

I have training at Sugarcreek tomorrow at 2, so I'm leaving Pennants at 1:30 to head out there. I have to go home and change first, but still.

Apparently Tim called me about a half hour before I got home. He should've left a message on my cell phone or something. I hope he stops in to see me tomorrow, since he hasn't the past 2 days. Bastard. And he'd better come to my play!

I had more bloodwork done today. I, being bipolar, have to get bloodwork done once a month to make sure the medication levels are all right. Needles used to bother the fuck out of me, but now that I have 10 piercings and 2 tattoos, I figure I can handle it. No amount of bloodwork can compare to the pain I went through when I got my nipples pierced!

My shoulder is killing me, and I'm tired as fuck, so it's off to bed I go.

<~I will love you~>
leave a note

fun stuff

I'm feeling:
The current mood of at