Come what may...

3:22 P.M., Tuesday, Nov. 25, 2003: I live in NY, *NOT* NYC!
Have I ever mentioned about how annoying it is to have people automatically assume I live in NYC when I say I live in NY?

Recent scenario: my parents went to look at a house (which they're actually going to get now) on Friday. I had nothing else to do, so I ended up going. The couple that currently lives there gave us a tour. While everyone else was looking around the basement, the wife asked me where I lived. I said NY, and immediately mentioned nowhere near NYC. And true to form, she started talking about a trip to Manhattan they once took. I just wanted to hit her over the head with what I'd JUST SAID. I'm up by the 1000 islands region! Since when is that anywhere near NYC? I've been to the city a grand total of ONCE. I live 6 hours north of it. It just makes me want to scream, "THERE'S A HUGE FUCKING STATE ALSO KNOWN AS NEW YORK, PEOPLE!" Arrg!!!!

All right, I just wanted to get that off my chest, so when I feel like actually updating, I will.

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