Come what may...

9:30 P.M., Sunday, Nov. 23, 2003: in Michigan, once again
Well, I'm now at my parents' house in MI.

The train ride was, um, rather interesting. It took us FOREVER to get out of NY. The power inside the train went out around Rochester, so when we got to that station we stayed put for an hour while they tried to fix things. They couldn't, so we plowed ahead to Buffalo. I overheard some of the crew saying that there was a power station there or something, so we got to sit in Buffalo for about an hour, as well. Amazingly, we were only an hour behind schedule. The train could still move while the power was out, but there were no lights, no heat, and the toilets wouldn't flush. I was pretty bored during that time because all I'd really brought to entertain myself with were books. And since it was dark out...

Before the wonderful train ride, I took Loki to the kennel. But it's really not a's the Four Paws Pet Motel. It seemed like a nice place, so hopefully he'll be okay.

Also that day, Tony finally called me. And now he knows we're having a little girl. He was so unbelievably excited! He said he'll buy a shotgun specifically for the purpose of freaking out any boys that try to date her. My dad says he should build a moat.

Fast forward to how things have been going so far here in MI...

For the past week or so, my acid reflux at night is horrible. I'm an insomniac anyway, but this is just exacerbating it. I actually puked the other night because of it. And have you ever realized just how painful it is to throw up digestive acid? My throat was still burning and raw the next day. Finally, I decided to take action today. My mom took me to the emergency room, since that was the only place I could go according to Tricare. I got an IV of Zantac (I didn't even know they made that in IV form) put into my wrist, and they made me give them a urine sample. Fun. What made it even MORE fun was the fact that apparently the dr. didn't like the specimen I gave, so he insisted a nurse give me a catheter. Holy fuck, does that hurt! It STILL kinda hurts to pee, and this was a few hours ago. But at the end of the day (we were there for about 2 hours or so), they prescribed Zantac and after taking my blood pressure a bunch of times, they let me go. My mom took me out to Walmart to get my prescription filled, and because they couldn't get ahold of Tricare to authorize it, I had to pay for it. Which was no big deal, really, since it was only around $20. I think I can go to the Tricare office when I get back to NNY and get reimbursed for it.

I got forced into going to church this morning. I did my own form of boycotting and wore my Thor's hammer necklace. I had to go because my sister was reading at the service. While there, I remembered why I don't like going in the first place: it's boring. I was more entertained by feeling Errolyn moving around than anything else. But I got to meet the senior pastor, and she's really nice.

A little while ago my MIL called me. She said Tony just called her and that he's calling me tomorrow. Apparently, the mail situation over there has gotten much so, in fact, that I'm pissed off about what happened recently. They finally got a mail plane out there, but some fucking moron said that 10th Mountain wasn't out there, so they sent the mail back. I'm so afraid that his birthday present was among the ones sent back and now he won't get it in time. Fucking imbiciles.

That's basically it for now...I plan on going to bingo on Tuesday with my gramma...and Thanksgiving I guess is at Greg's house this year...other than that, I don't know what else is planned for the rest of my stay, but I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

<~I will love you~>
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fun stuff

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