Come what may...

11:28 P.M., Saturday, Jul. 05, 2003: feeling nauseous 24/7
Holy crap, I haven't updated in forever!

Sorry, things have been a bit hectic. Here's what's been going on (I'll just give the highlights):

*My hair is now pink! Tony hates it; everyone else loves it. I love it. I think I should stay pink...

*I have been nauseous every day for the past 2 weeks, with a big headache to go along with it. And my period hasn't shown up yet. I took a pregnancy test yesterday and it came up negative. But I was told that it takes about a month for anything to show up, so we'll see. The weird thing is, I almost want to be pregnant. I know Tony's ready, but I'm so worried that he'll get deployed and miss the whole thing if I am. But I've been hearing rumors that he's not going. Who the fuck knows at this point.

*I had a great 4th of July! Tony and I went up to Alex Bay with his old barracks roommate, Miles. We found 2 bars that didn't check ID's, so Miles and I commenced to drinking. (He's 20.) Unfortunately, he got so drunk that we had to babysit him so he didn't get in a fight or anything. All he did was hit on every woman in sight. And I do mean every woman. We ran into Samantha, my old Subway buddy, and my ex Tony, who she is now dating. She's now divorced because her husband was beating her. I'm so glad she got out of that situation because so many women don't. But anyway, I ended up driving home because I had the least to drink (3 Smirnoff Ice and 1 sex on the beach). That was interesting!

*Today Tony and I went to Water Safari, a water park in Old Forge. It was so much fun! We're thinking about going back down there tomorrow.

And right now I'm at work, wondering if I'll be able to make it through my shift. I'm seriously nauseous at the moment. I really think I'm going to puke my dinner up. I feel terrible.

More later.

<~I will love you~>
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I'm feeling:
The current mood of at