Come what may...

3:49 A.M., Thursday, Jul. 24, 2003: pissed-off dissertation #1: bridgette
OK, I know, I know, I haven't been here in a while. Things have been pretty crazy.

The rollercoaster ride of Tony's deployment is running free as ever. I've heard this past Wednesday (which didn't happen), by Aug. 7, late August, January, and now the rumor is never. I just wish I knew for certain. The Army's pissing me off. It's causing unnecessary stress. Grr.

I'm reading a great book at the moment. It's called "Myths of the Norsemen From the Eddas and Sagas" by H.A. Guerber. It details all the great myths about the gods, giants, elves, and dwarves. Apparently, it's recommended by many long-time practitioners, so I made a good choice. And I found it at Borders, of all places.

I want to go into dissertations on people that have pissed me off in my life. I think this edition will be about Bridgette.

OK, Bridgette was 1 of my best friends in high school. Or so I thought. We hung out all the time senior year, since we had a lot of the same classes and activities. She claimed that I'd be one of the only people from high school she'd always be in contact with. However, people were trying to tell me that she was a conceited bitch that cared little for anyone but herself. I kept sticking up for her, saying they didn't know her like I did. Holy fuck, do I feel stupid now for ever doing that.

We talked quite a bit while I was in college, and still after I dropped out and moved back to NNY. Things started going wrong after I announced I was getting married. As you may or may not know, I asked her to be a bridesmaid. She was really excited about it, and said if I needed any help dress-shopping or whatever that she'd come up for a weekend and go with me. Then after I kicked Dawn out of being my maid of honor (another dissertation for another day) I asked Bridgette to take her place. This is where things went downhill. She tried telling me that she couldn't do it because she had some stupid fucking promise to her friend Beth that they'd only be each other's maid of honor. Everyone thought it was completely fucking ridiculous, which it WAS. Then I told her that I needed a definite answer. No response from her for a good long while. My wedding day drew nearer, and I couldn't wait around for her indecisive ass anymore. So I IM'ed her and told her that if she didn't want to be my maid of honor anymore, then don't bother being in my wedding party at all. I told her she was still welcome to come to the ceremony itself, though.

Then I IM her while I was working on invitations. I needed her address and her dad's name, which she gave to me, but she was acting very distant in the process. Then she "had a phone call" and put up an away message. (Her message, BTW, said "say hello :).....") I got a response card from her family saying they weren't attending the ceremony at all. No explanation. Everyone else that sent a response card saying they couldn't make it gave a reason why. Did her family? No.

I haven't heard from Bridgette since that ill-fated AIM conversation. And as much as I'd like to confront her and bitch her out, I really could care less if I ever hear from that bitch again. I was a fucking moron for ever sticking up for her backstabbing ass. And on a side note, she was never all that talented, either. She only got special treatment because Draper thought she was cute. And Mrs. Fuller told me that point blank one day. How sick is that? Not to mention horribly wrong...

Anyway, now that I've vented, I feel better. Look for more pissed-off dissertations in the future.

<~I will love you~>
leave a note

fun stuff

I'm feeling:
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