Come what may...

1:46 P.M., Wednesday, Dec. 25, 2002: merry christmas and whatnot
For those who celebrate it, Merry Christmas. I myself, being a heathen, only celebrate it for my family's sake. (Plus I like getting presents...what a greedy little Krie I am!)

I got some pretty cool gifts this time around. I got a bunch of clothes, lots of Spongebob stuff, gift certificates to Old Navy and Hot Topic (now there's a contrast in style), and from my parents I got Eddie Izzard's "Dress To Kill" on DVD. (YAY!) The coolest one was a joint present to me and my sister from my parents: a home version of DDR Max for Playstation 2! We've been playing it all morning. I think I'll be able to lose some weight with having this, which is more incentive to play. It's amazing how rusty I've become at it when I haven't played in so long. I used to play DDR all the time in Michigan...but the nearest DDR machine here is Syracuse, and there's only 1 7th Mix there. Damn them.

I'm hoping I get to talk to Stephanie soon...she left me a really nice message this morning. I can't believe how crazy I am about her already. I really hope she gets to come up here Saturday so we can go to dinner. I can't wait to see her again.

Yesterday was Sorin's birthday. I was working 3-11:30. He just IM'ed me, but I think I'll ignore him. I really don't feel like talking to him right now. I'd rather talk to Stephanie. I have tried to break it off with him before, and look what happened: he came back anyway. I don't know what to do, so I guess for now I'll ignore him.

Now, if I could get my sister to stop monopolizing the DDR game, I could watch Eddie Izzard...

<~I will love you~>
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fun stuff

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