Come what may...

4:50 P.M., Sunday, Sept. 29, 2002: laundry list and concert
What a weekend!

Friday was the "Leading Ladies" concert. Of course, I performed. I sang "Back to Before" from "Ragtime". Everyone in the show was incredible, and even though we only had 55 people in the audience, everybody enjoyed the show. It was for a good cause, too...what we didn't use goes to Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS. Afterwards, we had a wine/punch and cheese reception, and I got a lot of compliments on my performance, especially from those that had never heard me really sing before. My main worry of the evening was that I did what I did in dress rehearsal, which is switch from head to chest voice like crazy. But I stuck with chest voice the whole time, so I was proud of myself for that.

After the reception came the party at Don's house. (Don being my vocal coach.) I actually saw my mom get drunk for the first time, well, ever. So needless to say, I was the D.D. It was really weird at first to be smoking in front of my mom (my dad didn't like that sight at all), but I figured if she can legally drink in front of me, I can legally smoke in front of her. The whole night consisted of some awesome conversations. Nikki and Don both told me flat out that I deserve better than Cane. (Which I totally do!) So as soon as the bastard turns his phone on and calls me back, I'm going over to his room to tell him it's over. Here's the laundry list of complaints I have about him and our relationship:

1. He insists on calling me his "bitch". Whenever I tell him not to, he does it anyway. If he had 1 iota of respect for me, he would've stopped a long time ago. When I try to joke and tell him he's my bitch, his response is always, "Who's the one with the dick?" Riiiiiiight.

2. He keeps calling me "woman". I hate that!

3. In bed, he never lets me dominate. Oh, I'll start off being the dominant one, but he ALWAYS takes over after about 5 minutes. I'd like some equality here!

4. He doesn't respect my parents. He gets pissed whenever I have to leave early to make it home by curfew. I still live in their house, therefore I have to abide by their rules whether I like it or not.

5. Very rarely does an intelligent comment come out of his mouth. Intelligence is the sexiest quality, in my opinion. And he doesn't seem to care about how he sounds.

6. He first started saying he doesn't care if I cheat on him with other women. Then he tells me he doesn't care if I cheat on him at all. Which leads me to believe a) he doesn't take our relationship seriously and b) he doesn't care if he cheats on me. Two more strikes against him there.

7. He's not that cute, either. (Superficial, I know, but still, it's true.)

I'm sure there's more, but that will do for now. Now, to get ahold of the fucker...

<~I will love you~>
leave a note

fun stuff

I'm feeling:
The current mood of at