Come what may...

10:47 P.M., Wednesday, Oct. 02, 2002: comedy, meet tragedy
*sigh* I'm sitting here, eating carrots and french onion dip, contemplating life on a Wednesday evening. What fun.

Sorin and I got into a rather depressing, painful conversation last night. Basically, what it all boiled down to is this: there's still love there, but neither of us are in a position to be in any sort of role. Roles meaning significant other, of course. And I've been thinking about it all day, and what I've decided is that I'm not mentally stable enough to handle a relationship. I know he's the one I'm meant to be with, but our timing's off. Plus, me being stuck in NNY carries its own set of drawbacks. So I guess we're...friends, in love, but label-less? Sounds confusing? That's because it is. Grr.

On a positive note, I've got a part in a play! I'm playing Ms. Wells in Little Theatre of Watertown's production of "Spirit!" Which means I can't do "Gypsy" with Stageworks. I told Don that at my voice lesson today, and he understood. I told him I'd still like to help out in some way, just not perform. I have rehearsal tomorrow night at 6, but my director, Jane, said that I can be a little late if I want because I'm not in the show til later on. But I'd like to get a feel for the play, so I'll probably show up on time anyway.

Well, I need to get some sleep, since I have to work in the morning. *groan* Gotta be rested for rehearsal tomorrow! :)

<~I will love you~>
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