Come what may...

11:07 P.M., Saturday, May. 31, 2003: killing time at work is fun
I'm killing time at work until Nathan, the guy I'm double-jacking and taking calls with, comes back from his lunch. They won't notice I'm gone, anyway. Hahaha.

I've taken some interesting calls tonight. I keep getting truckers. One of them was so dense. He could NOT find the ESN number on his unit anywhere. It took him like 20 minutes just to find it. We almost hung up on him by that time. But Nathan says I'm doing really well. He's a cool guy. I'm gonna be working graveyard with him. My schedule is Sunday-Thursday 11:30 PM-8:30 AM. I love it. It was my first choice. Nathan kinda reminds me of Kevin II. Actually, another guy I work with, Roger, REALLY reminds me of him. He looks like him, dresses like him, acts like's really weird.

Well, it looks like Tony's deploying in 3 weeks. This I am NOT happy about. I can't stand the thought of being without him for 9 months. It makes me cry just thinking about it. But Kevin said that if I ever need anything I can just give him a call. And I'll have Derek and Rob to hang out with, and whoever I make friends with at work. Work will keep me busy, anyway, and so will school in the fall. But I still don't want to be here without my Tony.

I suppose I should get back to work. Today's basically a freebie. We had the option of coming in. But we didn't get paid if we didn't, and I need money. Well, til next time...

<~I will love you~>
leave a note

fun stuff

I'm feeling:
The current mood of at