Come what may...

2:10 A.M., Wednesday, May. 28, 2003: we have the internet finally! yay!
Earlier my nice little entry was deleted. Bastards. Let's try this again, shall we?

I have the internet at my place now! Now I can be on here regularly instead of every time I go to do laundry at my parents' house. Yay!

I got a part in "Godspell". Funny, a heathen preaching about Christ. I'm playing Lust, and it occured to me the other day that if you rearrange the letters of that word, you get "slut". Weird.

Training for Stream is going good. I'm feeling more confident about what I'm supposed to do each day. Hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to actually take a call. That'll be interesting. Graduation from training is Saturday, and supposeably the test is hard. I'd better study, then, I guess.

At least we got a 3 day weekend due to Memorial Day, so I got to spend some quality time with Tony. Last night we made love 3 times. I wanted to beat our record and go for 4, but he fell asleep. Oh well. At least I got some action. :) And we all know how I get when I'm not getting any...but being married means getting it regularly, so it's all good.

We got locked out of the apartment last night. We stepped out for a post-sex cigarette and didn't realize the door was locked. So Tony tried climbing up the balcony and getting in through the sliding glass doors. Those were locked, too. I went over to our neighbor, Rivers, who's in his unit, and he helped push Tony through the window off the balcony. It scraped up his abs pretty bad, but at least we got in. It almost killed the mood of the evening, but we went back into bed for the third round, so it all worked out.

Tony made a comment last night that we don't have sex, it's all practice for the big game. I had no clue what he meant by that, so he said the big game was for me getting pregnant with our first child. I was like "greeeeeaaaat". I've told him repeatedly to wait until I have my associate's degree and we'll talk. Besides, even if I stopped taking my birth control now, it'd still be a while before I could get pregnant because I have so much of it in my system after having taken it for 2 and 1/2 years. I know Tony can't wait to be a dad, but I'm not ready to be a mom. Not at this junction, anyway.

I should probably try to get some sleep, so off I go.

<~I will love you~>
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fun stuff

I'm feeling:
The current mood of at