Come what may...

2:05 A.M., Friday, Mar. 28, 2003: insomnia can suck my ass
I'm getting married 2 weeks from tomorrow. How crazy is that? And yet there's still stuff to do, like get more decorations for the legion hall, get my tossing garter, get cake-cutting utensils, get gifts for the groomsmen, blah blah blah. Oh, and of course get gifts for each other. I'm thinking tattoos, because I already know what I want for my next one and he wants his current one covered up. And I know exactly where to go to get them done: Phoenix Rising, the new tattoo shop in Philly run by Todd, the cool tattoo artist I worked with at Tattoos Forever. Maybe I can talk him into giving us a deal since we used to work together. That would rock.

Anyway, all I did today was work. What fun. And I get to repeat it tonight. Hopefully Tony will call or visit me so we can hang out afterward. I miss him when he's not around, I really do. I don't know how I'm going to survive being without him when he goes off to war. And he better return to me in 1 piece or someone's getting an ass-kicking from Krie. And when I get pissed off due to someone I love getting hurt, you better watch out because I will come a-running. (Did I just say "a-running"?)

I can't sleep. But I dare not take my last Ambien because then I won't wake up in time for my appointment with my psychiatrist, which is at 9:45. I hate insomnia. It can suck my ass.

Well, I'm going to attempt sleep while dreaming of new Placebo songs. "See you at the bitter end..."

<~I will love you~>
leave a note

fun stuff

I'm feeling:
The current mood of at