Come what may...

12:30 A.M., Thursday, Mar. 27, 2003: me bitching about people bitching about the war
I don't want to work 9 1/2 hours tomorrow. Grr.

And as for more on how I feel about the war:

*This should've been taken care of in '91. Unfortunately, our objective back then wasn't to get Saddam; it was to get the Iraqis out of Kuwait, which we achieved.

*For everything taken for granted in this country, thank a soldier, and that includes the right to bitch about the war ad nauseum.

*I am entitled to my opinion. If you don't like it, don't read it. So don't attack me for what I have to say freely in my diary. 'Nuff said.

*America's misunderstood. Really, it is. We're like the awkward teenager that's trying to fit in with the adults (read: other countries that have existed many years more), and we keep getting shoved to the side simply because we're among the youngest of nations. However, we may be young, but we sure as fuck are powerful.

*Which leads me to my next point. Most average Americans could give a fuck what goes on in other countries. Yes, we are that self-absorbed, as sad as it is to admit. But when we get attacked, you better fucking run because we will not stop until we have avenged. We have the ability to annihilate the human race as we know it. And if things turn ugly, and I mean really ugly, in this war, I doubt anyone will survive. I'm just being realistic here.

*Now, as to our history being whitewashed, as tuluum accusatorily stated in my guestbook. Look at histories written for any country. Of course everything's going to be biased. Look at history written from a Christian perspective, for example. They say that my ancestors, the Vikings, were a bloodthirsty lot who did nothing but rape and pillage. Gee, I wonder what the Crusades were all about...certainly not dealing with afternoon tea here. Whoever is in power holds the pen; it's as simple as that. So don't go blaming us for something we can't control. Americans are self-absorbed, and I can admit that being an American myself. Just don't go saying it when you're not's along the lines of me calling Mikey a fag, but a straight person dare not say that word unless they wanna get bitch-slapped. I wouldn't call anyone else's country another name unless the country is part of my heritage, and that's only the select few of Germany, England, Ireland, Scotland, and USA. I would never call, say, Botswana a bad name because I'm not from Botswana, and therefore I have no room to bitch about the way they do things.

Now that I've gotten things off my chest, it's time to get some sleep. And if you have any contrary opinions to what I'm saying, tough shit. I don't care if you agree with me or not; I really don't. Just allow me the space and respect to say that this is how I view things and that's that. Now I'm really thirsty, so I'm going to make some juice or Kool-Aid. Later.

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