Come what may...

11:35 P.M., Monday, Dec. 02, 2002: screaming infidelities OR: i suck at bowling!
OK, time for a semi-long entry. Yay!

Friday I went out to Spinners, as planned. I get there and end up engaged in a conversation about--what else?--my bisexuality. This makes it the 3rd weekend in a row that I talk about it to some random guy(s). Anyway, Richard (the guy I was talking to) was telling me about how his sister became a lesbian, how fucked-up his ex-wife is, and how to score me some pussy. We opted to have me score dick instead, since it was a sausage fest out and all. (Plus, Spinners is not the place to meet a gay lover. Trust me on this.) I spied a cutie and invited him to join our conversation, since he looked lonely all by himself at the bar. His name was Anthony, and he'd been separated from his wife for about 5 months. He was also into line dancing, and seeing as it was country night, and he was from Idaho, he brought me out on the dance floor for me to try it out. Now, I had not line danced since 9th grade, where we had it as an option for gym class. However, being a natural dancer, I picked up on most of the dances pretty quick. I even surprised myself.

I neglected to mention that Tim decided to show up. He was actually quite nice to me this time. However, his friend Keith was trying to hit on me (drunk off his ass), and I was just not going to hear any of it. According to Dawn, Tim got jealous of me dancing with Anthony and took off to the pool room with Keith, eventually leaving Spinners altogether. Ha ha ha, I made Tim jealous!

Anyway, so I head back to the bar when I started getting tired of line dancing, and start talking to Richard again. At this point, both he and Dawn inform me that a guy across the bar had been staring at me all night. I take notice of him, and he buys me another Shirley Temple. Not thinking anything of this, I thank him and go back to talking to Richard and Anthony. Eventually, the staring guy makes his way over to me and we start to talk. His name's Michael, and he turns 27 on Thursday. We dance to a couple slow songs, talk for a bit, then go shoot some pool. One thing leads to another, and we ended up making out. The night winds down, and we exchange numbers. He walks me to my car, kisses me goodbye, and I head home.

Saturday rolls around. I don't get out of bed until 2, and I see that Michael's called a couple times. Not having time to call him back, since I had to work 3-11:30, I check the voicemails he left me and head on to work.

Next up, Sunday. I did absolutely nothing, and it felt great. I call Michael that evening, and we agreed to go bowling the next day. Then I keep on doing nothing for the rest of the night.

Fast forward to today. I worked 7-3:30, and I get a call from Sorin. Uh oh. We talk, and he has no idea what's going on with Michael, which at this point is nothing more than a few brief phone conversations and our make-out session Friday night. Afterwards, I call Michael, and we agree to meet at the bowling alley at 7. After 4 rounds of him kicking my ass, we go to dinner at Friendly's. After that, I go to drop him off at his barracks, and we end up having a serious make-out session. Finally I said I had to get home, and I dropped him off for the night and came back here, where I am currently typing this, chatting with Sorin.

Why am I so prone to infidelity? I don't get it. Is my psyche trying to tell me something here? I mean, I have this great relationship with Sorin, but I need something tangible here in NNY. Maybe I'm just trying to have my cake and eat it, too. Who knows. All I know is that I better cool down from my wild rampage for sex (as Bridgette put it) before I lose Sorin. Arg.

<~I will love you~>
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