Come what may...

11:21 A.M., Saturday, Jun. 14, 2003: meeting a heathen...get busy!
I can't stop listening to Sean Paul's "Get Busy". I blame Derek for this.

I've met a fellow heathen that lives somewhat near me! His name's Tim, he's 30, and lives down in Cortland, which is about an hour and a half away from me. We've been emailing back and forth the past couple days. He wants to reform a kindred, and I told him I'd like to be a part of it. I'm awfully lonely up here not knowing any heathens, so it's nice to meet someone somewhat close.

Tonight Tony and I and possibly a few others are going to Syracuse for dinner at Hooters and dancing at the Country Club. Maybe they'll play "Get Busy". Gods, I'm pathetic, looking forward to hearing something mainstream.

I've been doing a lot of heathen studies lately while at work. I have nothing better to do, so I might as well learn something. I feel a connection to Freyja the more I learn, so I consider her my patron. I plan on buying a new Thor's hammer necklace next paycheck, since my last one causes my neck to break out (I think it has nickel in it, and I'm allergic to nickel).

I should go hop in the shower and call Derek to see if he wants to go to Syracuse with us. More later.

<~I will love you~>
leave a note

fun stuff

I'm feeling:
The current mood of at