Come what may...

11:38 A.M., Friday, Jul. 12, 2002: Fun at the Fair
Guess what? I got my belly button pierced last night! It looks super sweet...I still can't believe I did it. I got it done at the county fair last night. Speaking of which, there's stories to be told about that...

I picked up Rob after dropping my sister off at the youth center. We headed out there (it was his idea). Once we got there, we expected to pay the $4 it cost for anyone over 5. Well, when it was our turn, the lady asked us how old we were. Rob said 16 (since he is), and she said that we were free today. Sweet titties!

Then we decided we were hungry, so Rob got us some hamburgers and a large drink to share. Immediately the guy thought we were dating. He said something to him like, "Don't do anything I wouldn't do..." Then as were were walking past the game section, one of the operators yelled to Rob, "Why don't you try to win something for your wife?" So the joke of the day was that Rob and I were married, even though, as he put it, I'm "a flaming lesbian".

We had to pick my sister up at 7, so we went and did that. We got our hands stamped before we left so we could return without paying. When we came back with my sister, we just said we had the stamp, and we all went through for free, which was cool because I expected us to pay for her.

As I was waiting for my turn to get pierced (someone was gettting a tattoo in "a private area", which leaves that up to interpretation, I suppose), Rob paid for us to go on rides. You had to buy 10 for $10, so each of us got 3 tickets, and we let my sister have the extra one, since she didn't want to be there to see me get pierced.

Afterwards, it was finally my turn to get pierced. It kinda hurt when the needle went through, but other than that it was fine. My cartilage piercing hurt more. Plus, I figured I could handle a tattoo, so I should be able to handle my navel getting pierced. I now have a little silver hoop in my belly...tee hee hee!

My parents still don't know I got it done...hehehe...I dunno when I'll tell them yet.

Well, I am off. More later!

<~I will love you~>
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fun stuff

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