Come what may...

12:07 A.M., Monday, Mar. 10, 2003: finally able to update...
I realize I haven't written in here in a few days. But believe me, I've been far too busy to do much of anything home-related. I'll give a brief rundown of what's happened because I need some sleep.

Tony and I have a car now! It's his for now, but when we get married it'll be ours, and when he leaves it's gonna be mine. It's a 2000 Pontiac Sunfire, and it's gold and pretty with a kick ass sound system. It goes vroooooom!

The play went really well. We got great reviews for it. And Tony really enjoyed it. After the show last night came the cast party, as usual. Since he'd been drinking, I drove us home and convinced my mother to let him stay the night. We pulled out the sofa bed and finished watching "Moulin Rouge" (it was the first time I'd seen it...what a beautiful movie!) while cuddling. It was the first night we'd slept by each other's side, but it definitely won't be the last. That's a happy thought. :)

Yesterday we also managed to get some wedding errands done, too. We ordered the flowers, picked up my specially ordered bra (since my size is impossible to find strapless), looked at cakes (we've found our dream cake!), and did gift registry at my mom's store. So all in all, it was a productive day.

Today Tony and I woke up at around 10:30. He left briefly to go back to the barracks and shower and whatnot, so I did the same while he was gone. Then we decided we wanted to see "Chicago" (we meaning me, Tony, my mom, and my sister), so we left to do that. The movie was great! I can't wait to do the play in the summer. Anyway, after that we came home and Tony made dinner for all of us. Then we watched "My Big Fat Greek Wedding". It was getting late, so Tony had to leave so he can go to work in the morning. We kissed goodnight, and he promised to come over after work tomorrow. Gods, I love him so much!

I need to sleep, so sleep I shall.

<~I will love you~>
leave a note

fun stuff

I'm feeling:
The current mood of at