Come what may...

10:48 P.M., Saturday, Jan. 24, 2004: question 2: dog or cat person
Next question is from Fan4...and it's "Are you a dog person or a cat person?"

I love both, actually. At the moment I'd say cat person, simply because I have a cat and not a dog. At some point we'll get a dog. Tony's decided he wants an Akita. But the more research I've done on the breed, the more I realize that it's not the type for me. It's listed on most "vicious breed" lists, they're big (I don't like big dogs), and they require a lot of training.

We disagree on dog sizes...he likes big dogs, I don't. To me, the perfect size dog is the size of Diamond, my American Eskimo (who of course is with my parents in Michigan since I no longer live with them). In fact, I'd really like to get another Eskie. They make awesome family dogs, and having had one before I know their needs. I was doing some research not long ago, and I was looking around the AKC website in their groups, and noticed that I liked basically all of the dogs in the non-sporting group...which the Eskie is a part of.

Right now I'm happy with just my kitty. Loki can be a handful, but he's my companion while Tony's gone. I know we both want to get a dog, but there's a few reasons why I feel it'd be best to wait. For one, we live in an upstairs apartment. It's way too hard to have a puppy--because that's what we want--in our living arrangements...trying to paper train alone is difficult enough, not to mention a puppy needs room to run around, and having a yard to do that is best--and something we don't have at the moment. For another, we're having a baby in a short amount of time. She's going to be taking up a lot of our time and energy, and we just wouldn't be able to devote enough to a puppy's needs. And I'd rather wait until she's older to get one, anyway. So it may be a few years before we add a dog to our family. Loki takes up enough time anyway. ;)

I do miss having a dog around, but it's just not a feasible option at the moment. We got a cat because of our living space...cats are more independent, I don't have to worry as much about Loki being left along if I go run errands for a while, and I don't have to let him outside for anything. Not like he'd be able to really go anywhere anyway, but you know what I mean.

So I guess my final answer is: cat person for now, but would like to add a dog in the future.

More questions, please! :)

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