Come what may...

3:14 P.M., Thursday, Jan. 29, 2004: delivery prediction
I found this link on a message board I post to: Delivery Predictions by Madame Zaritska

And here's what the prediction said for me:

The day you deliver, outside will be warm. Your baby will arrive in wee hours of the morning .

After a labor lasting approximately 16 hours, your child, a boy, will be born. Your baby will weigh about 8 pounds, 12 ounces, and will be 18 inches long. This child will have light blue eyes and a little patch of brown hair.

But there is more. I sense that you feel somewhat alone. Have faith; you are not alone. Why don't you visit the message boards and talk to other expectant mothers. I'm sure you will find you have much in common.

Hmm...the ultrasound says girl, and so does my maternal instinct, so I wonder where boy is coming from? If all else fails, we do have a boy's name picked out just in case (Aidan Wesley). The blue eyes I could see because mine are blue--Tony's are brown--but the brown hair? We're both blonde, but then again every single hair and eye color found in nature can be found in my family. So knowing my genes, we could end up with a kid that has red hair and green eyes. And 16 hours of labor? Yikes! The feeling alone part is pretty accurate, eerily enough, since Tony's deployed and I have no family or really close friends up here anymore...just me and Loki most of the time. I am starting to reach out more and make new friends in the outside world, though. I try to do the get-togethers with my FRG when possible--we're planning to go to Olive Garden in Syracuse on Sunday--and the message board I got the link off of is for Army wives on Ft. Drum. We're planning on checking out a new Mexican restaurant that opened in the area on the 6th for lunch, so I'm looking forward to that. I do need more friends, because it gets pretty lonely staying at home with the cat.

Anyway, I'm starving, and my unborn child is demanding food and nourishment, so off I go. Don't be shy with questions folks, I'll gladly still take them! :)

<~I will love you~>
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