Come what may...

1:25 P.M., Wednesday, Feb. 12, 2003: my car is totaled :(
Oh, yesterday was truly lovely. And I say that with all the sarcasm I could possibly muster. Ever.

Faedra, my boss, asked me if I could come in at 11 instead of 12:30. I said yes, and got ready for work. I headed out the door. Nothing unusual.

However, everything changed in a split second.

I was turning off Coffeen Street to go on the road that leads up to the mall. This road is full of twists and turns, and the roads were crap. My car, which does not handle bad road conditions well at all, decided to skid on a patch of ice, spinning me into the other lane and into another car. My car is totaled. And I'm talking extensive damage. It wasn't even driveable. And I was only going 30 miles an hour. Thank the gods that no one was hurt. And that the airbags didn't go off.

The other guy that I hit used my cell phone to call the police, who showed up to assess the scene. Unfortunately, New York State sucks ass in that there is no such thing as a no-fault accident, so I got a ticket for speed not conducive to conditions or something of that nature. I hate New York, because it wasn't my fault that I hit a patch of ice, and I have to pay a fucking fine anyway. New York can suck my ass and like it.

Anyway, while we waited for a tow truck, Faedra came down to wait with me until Dawn came to pick me up. Neither car involved was driveable, so they towed both cars. Dawn showed up and offered to take me home. We made a stop at Tony's barracks so I could inform him on the situation. Naturally, he was very concerned and said he'd call later to check on me. Then I called my insurance company and filed a claim. They told me that I could have a rental from Enterprise, and that it could be set up that day. So I had Dawn drop me off at the Enterprise shop, but when I got there, it turns out that a) they had no cars available and b) since I'm under 21, it'll cost an extra $97 a day not covered by insurance. Since I was shit out of luck, a guy that was in the shop offered to take me to the police station so I could figure out where the hell they towed my car to. This took all of 10 minutes to figure out, but once again, I was stuck. I called a cab, waited over an hour, and finally Dawn called and offered to pick me up. She took me to the mall, where I met my mom as she was leaving work so she could take me home. I'd already explained to her what happened over the phone. She wasn't mad, to my surprise. I was expecting a lecture on the responsibility of car ownership or something, but instead I got a "These things happen."

We didn't go home directly because we had to stop by Salvation Army to pick up pieces for our revue costumes. After that we went to Bob Evans to eat; at the end of our meal, our waiter said "Drive safe!" How bitterly ironic.

Afterwards, we headed home. I was so depressed that I wanted to stay in bed for days at a time and not get up for anything. Unfortunately, I had rehearsal, so I had no choice but to get up. Much to my surprise, my dad didn't kill me when he found out. He actually told me not to worry about it. This shocked the hell out of me. I was expecting a lecture, but instead, I got a "As long as you weren't doing anything wrong, it's ok." Who are these people and what have they done with my parents?

Tony called and left voicemails on my phone, since I couldn't hear it ring in rehearsal. He said he and Bonney were gonna go out to Spinners that night and hoped to see me there. My mom didn't want me going, and I was in no mood to be in a club atmosphere anyway. Instead, when I got home, I had a huge crying fit out of sheer depression. But my mom talked me through it, and Diamond made me laugh with this little game he was playing. He'd prance into my room with his Dentabone in his mouth, look at me, prance out of my room, go downstairs halfway and on the landing, come back upstairs, prance into my room, let me pet him, then he'd start the whole thing over again. This went on for at least half an hour. My dog is silly. But it made me laugh, which made me feel so much better. Then I watched "Golden Girls", again, and "Muriel's Wedding", for the first time. Then I watched "That Thing You Do!" and fell asleep.

Today my dad and I are trying to get ahold of the insurance company to see if it's kosher to go somewhere else for a rental car, since Enterprise sucks ass and won't have one until late tomorrow. I NEED A FUCKING CAR!!!!! I hate being without one now.

Oh, and on another bad note, Tony and I can't get married on Monday because the clerk's office is closed in observance of President's Day. They can suck my ass, too. So whenever he calls, I gotta break the news to him and see if we can do it Tuesday on his lunch break or something. Grr.

Why is it that when everything looked so good for me, this shit had to happen? This pisses me off to no end. Why, gods? Why me? Why now? What am I supposed to learn from all of this? I'm utterly confused. And on that note, I'm hungry, so it's time to find something to eat.

<~I will love you~>
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fun stuff

I'm feeling:
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