Come what may...

2:06 A.M., Monday, Apr. 07, 2003: see you at the bitter end
According to Helen, there's already a public diary about mental illness. Damn. I was hoping to be a pioneer of sorts. Oh well. Maybe I'll start one specifically for people with bipolar disorder. Or people that failed at suicide. If those don't exist already, that is.

Today I worked 6 1/2 hours. But it went by rather quickly because for the first 3 hours or so I hung shipment. I managed to get an entire barrel done, so I felt rather productive. Then I straightened a bit, went on my break, came back, straightened some more, put clothes from the fitting rooms away (and there were a LOT, for we were quite busy), vacuumed, and left. I had to take April, a coworker, to Soluri's Pizzeria to meet her boyfriend because he wasn't able to pick her up. It was on the way back to post anyway, and I was heading to the barracks to be with Tony.

I get to the barracks, and the guy at the CQ desk (CQ is where all the visitors in the building sign in and out) informs me that Tony's not in his room. Instead, he's in the room of the guy we jammed with last Sunday (I still can't remember his name). So I'm lead down there by an NCO in their unit, and Tony and Bonney are jamming away with the guy. Oh, I forgot to mention that last night when me, Tony, and Bonney were hanging out that we worked on a song that Tony wrote the music for and Bonney wrote the words to, and we created a 3-part harmony for the chorus that sounds fucking cool. So we played it for the guy, and he really liked it. The song's called "Behind Your Eyes", and it kicks total ass. If I could post a snippet of the chorus here, I would, just so you could agree. ;)

Anyway, after that Tony and I head back to his room. I don't feel like posting all the boring details of what happened after that (besides him and his roommate being totally retarded and acting like they were 10 years old), but it subsequently lead to 2 lovemaking sessions back-to-back. While watching Robin Williams on Broadway, no less, so periodically I had to deal with him laughing at what Robin Williams was saying. And while Robin Williams is hilarious, for sex it wasn't the most optimal situation, you know.

My left nipple ring's about to fall out. The skin over it is getting really thin, just like what happened with my belly ring. I think this is my body's way of telling me it doesn't like foreign objects being inserted through the skin. My right nipple ring is fine, though. Figure that one out.

I've decided to try a new diet to lose weight with. I'm going to refrain from eating any dairy products. This means no pizza and no Ben & Jerry's, but it's better this way. So far, I'm doing good. I haven't eaten anything dairy, so let's see if I can stick to it. I really wanna lose weight, as evidenced by my entry in caged-freed. I'm beginning to believe I have an eating disorder. Not anorexia or bulimia, but overeating. My appetite is just unhealthy. And I hate it. I'm considering taking an appetite supressant. We'll see.

Last night I talked to Diver Chris. I was giving him advice on women, since he keeps attracting bitches that walk all over him. I wish he'd find a nice girl to treat him right. He deserves it, for he's a nice guy.

I've been listening to Placebo's new album, "Sleeping With Ghosts", nonstop in Tony's car, which he keeps giving to me to borrow. Oh well, it just means I can do my running around tomorrow and not worry about having to take my mom to work. I have to see my psychologist at 3, and then I'm gonna run into town to take care of some things, then pick him up at 5. Fun.

Well, I should try to sleep. Later.

<~I will love you~>
leave a note

fun stuff

I'm feeling:
The current mood of at