Come what may...

12:24 A.M., Wednesday, Nov. 13, 2002: the ABC's of Krie
I stole this from tuluum.

A - Age: 19

B - Best Friends: Rob, Diver Chris, Mikey, Matt, Dawn

C - Choice of Meat: filet mignon, cooked medium rare

D - Dream Date: Going to see one of my favorite bands in concert, then off to Denny's for some burgers and great conversation.

E - Exciting Adventure: When I took a trip to NYC my senior year of high school.

F - Favorite Food: filet mignon with steamed potatoes, salad with romaine lettuce and raspberry vinaigrette dressing, iced tea with no lemon and 2 packs of Equal

G - Greatest Accomplishment: Being able to tell myself I'm a good person and mean it

H - Happiest Day of Your Life: The day I finally told myself "I'm worth it". Took me 8 years, but I did it!

I - Interests - Singing, acting, dancing, poetry, photography, Brit-pop music

J - Joke: "What'd the farmer say when he lost his tractor?" "Where's my tractor?" hahaha, I love that joke!

K - Kool-Aid: Ice Blue...mmm...

L - Love: my family, my close friends, and Brit-pop

M - Most valued posession: my poetry books, my camera

N - Name: Krie

O - Outfit You Love: jeans and a nifty Salvation Army t-shirt

P - Pizza Toppings: pepperoni, sometimes mushrooms

Q - Question Asked To You the Most: "How are you doing?"

R - Radio Station: 105.7

S - Sport: cheerleading!

T - Television Show: Queer As Folk, Real World, Friends, Golden Girls, Spongebob Squarepants, Elimidate

U - Umbrella in the rain?: Depends on how hard it's raining and how much time I spent on my hair

V - Video: My Kevin Smith Collection (Cane still has my "Mallrats" tape, dammit!)

W - Winter: Blech.

X - X-rays recently?: When I went to the dentist a few weeks ago

Y - Year Born: 1983

Z - Zodiac Sign: Leo, baby!

<~I will love you~>
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fun stuff

I'm feeling:
The current mood of at