Come what may...

7:31 P.M., Sunday, Dec. 29, 2002: fun with Stephanie, and not going to work
My eyes are bloodshot and they hurt. Ow.

Yesterday was great! I met Stephanie at the mall at 5. We then went to Old Navy, where I proceeded to find nothing I wanted to spend my gift card on. We decided to see "Catch Me If You Can", but we had over an hour to kill. So we went out to eat. Applebee's had a half hour wait, so we ate at The Apollo, which my friend Lexi's family owns. We were there so long that we completely missed the movie. We decided to go bug Derek instead. Paul was at his house, too, so we sat around and watched SNL reruns and MTV. She held my hand the whole time. After that we went out to Denny's for a little bit. I had to be home by 11, so I took her back to her car at the mall. She gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. I'm hoping that we can have our first kiss at midnight on New Year's. How romantic is that? :)

This morning I woke up late for work. I get there, work for an hour, and Nicole (my assistant manager) says I can come back and work 3-11 since it was really slow this morning. I go home and sleep. Then she calls me back, explains that she needed someone to work the diesel side and forgot that I only know the gas side, and that I can stay home if I want. I jump at the opportunity to sleep some more. Now I'm only working Tuesday and Saturday this week. Yay!

I need to talk to my parents to make sure it's kosher to spend New Year's with Stephanie down in Syracuse. There's supposed to be this big drag king party we've been invited to. But we'll probably get drunk before we go as it is. She said there's a whole case of Labatt Blue Light at her house with my name on it...mmmm...

<~I will love you~>
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fun stuff

I'm feeling:
The current mood of at