Come what may...

7:33 P.M., Friday, Feb. 15, 2002: laundry day is a very dangerous day
I am FINALLY done with my damn laundry! It took me 4 loads and $7 worth of quarters, but I did it. I figured it was a good time to do so, seeing that I had no clean socks left.

I am considering changing my career, again. I am thinking of becoming a professional photographer, which would force me to transfer, since EMU doesn't offer a photo major (just a minor...erg!). I am going to see if my parents will allow me to bring back the scanner, since I was the one that used it all the time. That way I can share my some of my work with ya'll. :) I can't wait to see how my pics of Diver Chris turned out. I also can't wait until Amanda lets me photograph her. I think my next addition to my camera supplies will be a tripod. Preferably a Bogen, since those are the best (and expensive as hell, but still...).

Well, I need to put away my freshly washed laundry and get ready to go to Meijer with Michaela and Andy. Krie has no food in her room at the moment. :(

<~I will love you~>
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