Come what may...

2:14 P.M., Saturday, Jan. 19, 2002: last night
Erg! Amanda went to Clutch last night without me! That pisses me off. I love Clutch, and it's been forever since I've been there. That and whenever she goes to straight clubs, she gets hit on by girls nonstop. I trust her, but it still bothers me. She knew I was bored out of my fucking mind, and will continue to be for the remainder of the weekend, yet she still went and had a grand old time without me. I'm furious! She gets to go have fun, while I'm stuck as a prisoner in my own dorm room. How fucking great.

Andy came and visited me last night! It was great talking with him. I loved hanging out with him at the Necto. We did "interpretive dancing", and it was hilarious! He stayed for about 2 hours, and we just talked about random stuff. I showed him my yearbooks (which I love doing) and I was so glad that someone came to rescue me from my boredom, at least for a little while.

I am also getting back into astrology. I used to be really into it about 4 years ago, but I kinda got away from it because I was too busy to devote myself to my study. Now I've got a little extra time, so I'm back into it. I'm also learning numerology. I think it is absolutely fascinating. For anyone interested in either of these, I recommend I've learned quite a bit about myself as a result of both.

Anyway, back to being bored to tears!

<~I will love you~>
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fun stuff

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