Come what may...

2:12 A.M., Tuesday, Jan. 15, 2002: insomnia
OK, insomnia sucks ass.

I hate the fact that I'm tired as hell and can't seem to be able to fall asleep. For God's sakes, I've got class today (ok, so I have swing dancing and it's at noon and it's my only class, but still), as well as work, so I need some sleep. Argh!

This always seems to happen to me. I don't get it. I've been an insomniac for years. I can't seem to shake it, either, no matter how hard I try.

Maybe that's my problem. I shouldn't try so hard. But that's easier said than done.

I seem to sleep better with Amanda by my side. Too bad that can't be the case tonight. I can't wait until we're married so I can fall asleep next to her every single night. *sigh*

Yawning. What is the point of yawning? It's annoying and it serves no indication of the possibility of me falling asleep in the immediate future. Dammit, this sucks!

OK, I realize this is sleep-deprived rambling, and I'll probably look at this later and wonder what the hell I was thinking, but oh well. I needed to get this off my chest so I can possibly fall asleep.

Maybe I'll have a lovely dream about Amanda...well, there's only 1 way to find out, so it's off to my lonely bed I go.

<~I will love you~>
leave a note

fun stuff

I'm feeling:
The current mood of at