Come what may...

5:21 P.M., Saturday, Jan. 25, 2003: i'm engaged, for real this time!
Guess who's engaged again? Give up? OK, it's me! I know this is the 4th time I've been engaged, but this is for real this time. I mean it. We're going to pick out rings and the whole 9 yards. I'm so excited!

Here's the rundown on last night. I go over to Tony's barracks, and we attempt to watch Eddie Izzard with his friends. Then we headed out to Spinners. Dawn gets on the topic of marriage and tells us not to wait. Tony is in agreement, and apparently I have no say in the matter. Anyway, later on, Tony starts talking about it again. He tells me he's in love with me. Then he says, "Marry me." I say, "OK." And that was that. I promised Dawn maid of honor rights. We're going to get the marriage license on the 1st, since that's when he gets paid next. And I swore I wouldn't marry into the Army...

What also happened last night was somewhat romantic. We were both feeling quite randy, so he gets the idea that we recreate how I lost my virginity: in the backseat of a car at the Calcium Primary School parking lot parked by buses. Hard to believe that April Fool's Day will make it 3 years I've been sexually active. Damn, does time fly.

I won't get to see Tony til tomorrow because he has staff duty. I miss him so much when he's not around. I love him. I really do.

Now how to tell my parents I'm engaged...this will be tricky.

<~I will love you~>
leave a note

fun stuff

I'm feeling:
The current mood of at